Question 1. What are the changes of the teenagers during puberty?
Question 2. Do know what is wet dreams about?
Question 3. What do you think is the ideal age of a girl or boy should study sex education? Why?
1.Identify the Male Reproductive System. 2. Identify the male Sex Hormone. 3. Describe the anatomy and function of Sperm Cell. 4. Describe the Semen. 5. Name the parts of Male Reproductive System. 6. Appreciate the role of reproductive system in the reproduction of human life.
The function of male reproductive system is to produce, transport sperm cells
Testes are the large oval organs. It produces the sperm cells and hormones called androgen.
Androgen : A male sex hormone that promotes the development and maintenance of the male sex characteristics.
This is the loose pouch-like sac of skin that hangs behind penis. It contains the testicles, as well as many nerves and blood vessels.
It is the external tissue which contains the urethra and through which the semen and//or urine is expelled.
It is a long, coiled tube that rests on the backside of each testicle. It transport and store sperm cells that are produced in the testes.
It is a long, muscular tube located behind the bladder. It transports mature sperm to the urethra.
It is the tube that caries urine from the bladder to outside of the body. It also ejaculates semen when a man reaches orgasm.
These are sac-like pouches that attach to the vas deferens. It produces a sugar- rich fluid that provides sperm with a source of energy to help them move.
It is a walnut- sized structure that is located below the urinary bladder. It also contributes fluid to ejaculate which helps nourish sperm.
It also called the cowpers’ gland. It produces a clear slippery fluid that empties directly into urethra
Sperm cell – the male reproductive cell.
Head – it holds the chromatin. Midpiece - it filled with mitochondria to provide energy. Flagellum or tail - to move the sperm from the vagina to the oocyte.
Semen - fluid produced in male reproductive organs that contain the reproductive cells.
Group I. WC of Reproductive Health Group IV. WC of Sexual Transmitted Disease Group II. C-SDT of Reproductive rights Group III. C-SDT of Reproduction
Reason out the importance of knowing Sex Education at an early stage of puberty. Let me think about it.
Explain the concept of Reproduction.
Is male reproductive system important in sustaining the existence of life?. Let me think about it.
Give ways on how to take care your reproductive organs properly. Let me think about it.