ESF Committee 06 October 2017 UEAPME position for post 2020 ESIF and cohesion policy Liliane Volozinskis UEAPME Director Social affairs and Training Policy
UEAPME position for post-2020 ESIF and cohesion policy Cohesion policy post 2020 for “growth, jobs and welfare” the Crafts and SME agenda 1. Concentration of ESIF on core priorities Need to maintain thematic concentration for a better impact 2. Higher flexibility and more responsibility to regions Regions define eligible geographical areas, thematic priorities operational measures for a “coordinated differentiated approach” 3. Partnership to counterbalance flexibility multilevel and multi-actors governance code of conduct mandatory at EU/national/regional levels
UEAPME position for post-2020 ESIF and cohesion policy A coordinated but differentiated approach with shared management 4. Focus on territorial SME organisations : open ESIF to more SMEs and micro-enterprises Take into account needs of SMEs as a sine qua non condition Involve SMEs in decision process at all levels (not only consultation) Give SMEs more responsibility in implementing thematic priorities 5. Simplification measures a top priority based on High Level Group Recommendations Application of SBA “Only once and Think Small first” principles Harmonisation of administrative formalities and rules Definition of fields and conditions of audit/controls
UEAPME position for post-2020 ESIF and cohesion policy 6. Shared management “horizontal subsidiarity” HOW: involving stakeholders in the partnership principle EU level defines key policies and overarching objectives national level: one single national Monitoring Committee for all ESIF (with EU geographical desks) coordination of programmes + regional differentiated approach no overlaps, interpretation chain, gold plating specific technical national monitoring committee for each programme Conditions: same voting rights for administrative authorities and stakeholders mandatory monitoring committees in all regions redefine the activity of regional monitoring committees
UEAPME position for post-2020 ESIF and cohesion policy ESF Priorities ESF support to EU strategy to tackle employment, labour market and social challenges ESF support to adaptability of SMEs and workers (new challenges) ESF focus on human capital (education and training) and social inclusion ESF support to capacity building of social partners, including with at EU level, to fully play they role in implementation of policies and reforms
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