Laminated Dough
1. Puff Paste 2. Enriched dough Two Major Categories 1. Puff Paste 2. Enriched dough
PUFF PASTRIES or Millefeuillete (1000-layers)
Puff Pastry Laminated dough: No fermentation: High fat: alternating layer of fat and dough (flour and water) No fermentation: dough rises due to steam High fat: 50% or more fat to flour ratio Good freezing characteristics
Puff Paste Flour: pastry or all purpose Fat: butter preferred, high fat content (80% +) emulsified puff pastry shortening/margarine Salt: flavor and dough strengthener Water: temperature, hydration Malt: color, flavor Acid: control oxidation, reinforce gluten structure
Folding in the Fat Two Methods: Fat Detrempe 2
Lamination: Folds (aka Turns) After Locking in the Fat Turn 90 degrees (Open seam away from body) Roll dough to 3X as long as wide Letter Fold= 3-fold or do the Book Fold (=4-fold) 3
Number of Folds Five 3-folds results in over 800 layers Four 4-folds results in over 1000 layers 4
Rise Roll dough to 1/4 inch thick for most use Rises over 8 times its original size 5
Other Types of Puff Dough Blitz Puff Pastry Same as a flaky pie dough Roll and fold like puff pastry Good for napoleons and as wrap as in en croute Reversed Puff Pastry Roll-in-fat outside Italian or Pasta Sfoglia Wetter than puff pastry, dough fully developed 6
Traditional, Italian, Blitz, and Inverted Puff Pastry Decreasing order of lift and crumb structure: Italian: high fat with eggs, most lift, soft crumb Traditional: 65+% fat, second most lift, flaky Blitz: 65+ % fat, third most lift, flaky Inverted: least lift, most flaky, driest dough
Handling Puff Pastry Dough Chill dough Cut with sharp knife Egg wash for color
Classic Puff Pastries Napoleon Gateau Pithivier Jalousie Palmiers
Viennoiserie: Enriched Laminated Dough Danish Croissant
Dough Preparation Mix dough and ferment Encase fat and laminate Do maximum of three turns Avoid rolling dough too thinly
Lab: each student Make Danish dough or European Danish dough (in book). Make and bake Danish dough pastries. Use commercial puff pastry dough to practice making pastry shapes. Make and bake puff pastry containers and fill with at least two different fillings.
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