Nuts & Bolts: Policy, Registration, Study Schedules & Support Services OSLER October 4, 2013
Review UC Davis SOM policy related to Step 1 Provide information related to registration, scheduling and testing accommodations for Step 1 Describe support available from OSLER Identify essential study resources for Step 1 Provide an outline of deadlines and events related to Step 1 preparation
You must TAKE (and complete!) the exam by April 15, 2014 If you do not pass… You will stop your rotation immediately Prepare a plan of remediation Take exam and post passing score by start of rotation 3
Go to Click on Log-in to NBME Licensing Exam Services Follow prompts to complete registration Select 90-day eligibility period Print form, attach picture and deliver form to Registrars Office – Room 1208 Take your ID when you submit form!
What is an eligibility period? 90 day window in which you may schedule/take your exam You can not test outside of your eligibility period unless you: File for a one time extension $65 fee and you only get one extension!!! Re-register for the exam (i.e. pay another $580)
The first month of your eligibility period should be the month in which you are going to test. Last Block ends February 28. Boards study typically lasts 5-6 weeks. Eligibility period: April-May-June
You will receive an telling you that your scheduling permit is available Log-in, click on Scheduling Permit Go to Prometric website and schedule your test date.
Accommodations for documented disabilities covered under the Americans with Disabilities Act You must apply for accommodations at the same time you register for the exam See Gail Peoples if you plan on applying for or have questions about applying for accommodations Request for Personal Items Hearing aids, insulin pumps, inhalers, etc.
Different levels of support to meet your individual needs: Lowest level: help creating/reviewing a study schedule, choosing supplemental resources and reassurance that you can do this Medium level: help assessing results of the BSX, individual appointments throughout boards study to help with quizzing, review and confidence Highest level: Boards Review Class
OSLER will help you build a study schedule and plan the study that is best for you! There are many methods out there: DIT, Kaplan, Penn Method, Taus Method, Questions Only, etc. All are variations on a theme Different curricula, different goals, different exams Be informed!!!
Clear start and end dates Days off Review days Reserved time for questions Time limits Organ systems vs. disciplines Nervous system vs. cardiovascular CV physiology vs. CV pharmacology
Pick a start date Last Block ends on February 28, 2014 Time off? Pick a test date You must test on or before April 15, 2014 Identify special days off Identify any day that you will be away from studying Weddings, conferences, birthdays, etc.
Identify scheduled days off… For the sake of your health, sanity and personal hygiene, give yourself 1 reliable day off each week. Usually Saturday or Sunday
Identify question bank days One day/week devoted to question based cumulative review Track progress Identify weak areas Prepare for the real deal Usually the day before scheduled day off
Pick practice test days NBME self-assessments Typically scheduled after 2-3 weeks of study and 1 week prior to the exam. Identify time for final cumulative review Time set aside for final push for detail Usually days immediately before test date 2 days for organ system review 1 to 1.5 days for discipline review
March 2014 SunMonTueWedThuFriSat April 2014 SunMonTueWedThuFriSat TEST study days 3 question bank days 2 NBME practice tests 3.5 days of cumulative review Q Q Q RRR R REST NBME
Schedule an appointment with OSLER It may take two appointments… Appointment 1- weekly schedule Day 1 to exam day When do I review? When do I do a practice test? How many days for Renal? Appointment 2 – daily schedule How long is a study day? How long for Heme pathology? What do I do during the four hours scheduled for CV pharm?
Six week guided study Focused on approach, strategy NOT a content based review Designed to provide structure, accountability and additional support for those who need it If interested, Talk to Joanna, Richard or Gail Attend information session on December 16
First Aid for the USMLE Step 1 – 2013 or 2014 edition One additional reference per discipline Anatomy/Histology Biochemistry Physiology Immunology/Microbiology Pathology Pharmacology Embryology Question Bank USMLE World
November 18 – 3-4:30 pm Planning a review of Behavioral Science & Psychiatry December 9 – 1-5 pm BSX Exam (required!) December 16 – noon-1pm Information Session for Boards Review Class On-going October-February Individual appointments to create a Step 1 study plan
October-December Complete registration Select and schedule test day Meet with OSLER to create/review study schedule Participate in Step 1 workshops Take BSX exam – December 9 January-February Review results of BSX Revise study schedule (if necessary) March-April Activate Question bank Purchase NBME practice exams Study! Take Step 1
Be informed Be systematic Be reflective Know yourself and what works for you Ask questions now Help is available
Step 1and Residency Dr. Jones Registration, Testing Accommodations, Personal Item Exceptions Gail Peoples – 4101G Study Support Joanna Arnold – 4101C, Richard Moses – 4101A,