Stretched throughout Europe During 1800’s – powerful Stretched throughout Europe Upset “balance of power” set up by Congress of Vienna Pushed idea of building “Nation-states” Concept: People w/ commonalities loyal to each other = not ruler Commonalities Language Food Dress Behavior Ideas (ways of thinking) Religion Things that happened in their past (history) Religious thinking (values) Common land Need most of these to exist before n/s can develop
Nationalist » believe: People with same “nationality” unite under 1 government ** People see government as their leaders: create nation-states (1830’s/1848) Independency allow nation’s identity to develop
Vocabulary Terms After each word or person explain what the word means by applying the word to the information presented in the text. Pages 229-232. Conservatives Liberals Radicals The Balkans Metternich pg. 231 Louis Kossuth French King Charles X Louis-Napoleon Alexander II Nationalism Nation-State
Vocab Terms French Revolts of 1830 + 1848 King Charles X 1830 Attempts to restore monarchy People riot Replaced by Louis-Phillipe Rules 18 years “Citizen-King” Grows unpopular/press negative portrayl of him Mobs take over Paris Government “See-Saw” 1848 Parliament runs election
Louis Napoleon 1848 Nephew » Napoleon Won election » “strong ruler” France grows: Builds infrastructure Industrial growth Title “Emperor” Napoleon III
Chapter 8 Nationalism 1789-1900
Nationalism Root word = “Nation” Means » extreme patriotism to your country Willing to die to prove your country is best (WWI) 1800’s “Age of Revolution” in W. Europe swept across Atlantic (C.A./S.A.) Wave of revolution runs through art and literature also “Romantic Movement” Realist Movement
Nationalist Revolutions for freedom W. Hemisphere Haiti (St. Dominique) » T. L’Overture First black colony to gain freedom from Mother Country (France) 1) Many wealthy offspring from European planters +indigenous people » educated in Europe a. Brought back Enlightenment ideas b) Latin America (Caribbean Area) broke from “N” when Spanish King replaced = Felt no loyalty to N.
c) S. America (1800-1820) Independence 1) S. Bolivar (led revolts) 2) J. de San Martin (led revolts) a. Countries that broke away 1. Columbia 2. Chile 3. Peru 4. Venezuela 5. Ecuador 6. Argentina d) Mexico 1) 1821 » Spain e) C. America – Free 1823 – Mexico f) Brazil – 1822 - Portugal
In Europe “N” gone Ideas » Congress » Implemented g) Problems with Independence 1) Increased poverty (C.A) 2) Wars ravaged land (Farms – cities) *Trade disrupted 3) Aftermath – Once centrally governed colonies » Independent » Poor In Europe “N” gone Ideas » Congress » Implemented
South American Social Hierarchy
During time period of “Colonization” Portugal, then Spain est. colonies in Central/South America Social order: Peninsulares » those born in Spain (move to S. America) Creoles » Children born on S. American soil Mestizos » Mixed blood “E” + Indian Mulattos » “E” + African blood Indigenous peoples (pure blood indians)
Back in Europe
“Nationalism” strong » reaction against Congress of Vienna (liberal mindset) Middle and lower classes against return to monarchy + limited freedoms Felt people of a common land should/ought to control/govern themselves *Much like how 13 colonies felt Result in 1830 and again in 1848 certain countries revolt against their monarchies