Professional Development Best Practices in Writing SEL/Behavior IEP Goals Presented by: Lynn Moynihan and Tina Cerney Description: This course will engage participants in an analysis of their SEL/Behavior IEP goals by focusing on key factors related to legally defensible, best practice. Participants will use the problem solving process to develop present levels of performance that are connected to Social-Emotional Learning standards and lead to specific skill deficits as well as to set measurable criteria for success that are ambitious yet attainable. Various progress monitoring tools for SEL/Behavior will be reviewed. The course also will include a preview of changes to the goals/objectives page in Filemaker. Visit Professional Development to register. “When students are successful, their sense of accomplishment can be so satisfying that they are motivated to behave responsibly.“ - Randy Sprick Workshop Details Registration Please register online at and click on Professional development. Registration opens on September 27, 2014 and runs through October 15, 2014. This 3 part half day class is offered free to all SASED and Member District certified staff. This class is also offered to districts outside the membership however, a registration fee of $50 is required. Checks should be made payable to SASED and sent to the attention to Susan Newhard at 1590 S. Fairfield Avenue Lombard, IL 60148. CPDU, CEU and Certificates of Attendance will be available upon the completion of an evaluation which will be distributed at the end of Session 3. Attendance of the class in its entirety is required in order to receive the certificate of your choice. Should you have questions about the class, please contact Christine Martin, or Susan Newhard, . When Where Who Dates: October 17th, 24th, and 30th Times: 8:00 AM–11:30 AM SASED Highland Hills 1590 S. Fairfield Avenue Lombard, Il 60148 Most Appropriate for Administrators, Teachers and related Service Staff who are involved in IEP development