Chapter 15 Evolution
What is evolution? Change in a population over time Changes occur at genetic level mutations
Mutations Change in the DNA code Can affect traits / phenotype
The Darwin Dude? 5 year voyage on Beagle (1831-36) Naturalist: surveyed coast of S.A. Wrote “Origin of Species”
Galapagos Island Facts Part of Ecuador 13 main volcanic islands Formed between 5 - 10 MYA
Darwin & Galapagos Organisms adapted to their environment “Darwin’s Finches” Mechanism for evolution = Natural Selection
Noteworthy Species
Darwin’s Finches Adaptive Morphology
Why do species change? Variations & adaptations help organisms survive
Natural Selection Organisms with favorable traits survive & reproduce Variation is key
Natural Selection (cont.) Struggle for existence Species become better fit for their environment
Natural Selection (cont.) 4 Main Principles (pg 421): Variation Heritability Overproduction Reproductive Advantage
Types of Natural Selection 1. Stabilizing Selection: Average phenotype favored Ex. Human baby weight
Stabilizing Selection
Types of Natural Selection 2. Directional Selection: increases “extreme” versions of traits Ex. Peppered Moth, Darwin’s finches
Peppered Moth: Natural Selection
Directional Selection
Types of Natural Selection 3. Disruptive Selection: splits populations into 2 groups Both extremes favored Ex. Marine & Land Iguanas
Disruptive Selection
Evidence of Evolution Fossil Record Fossils: preserved evidence Found in Sedimentary rock
“Soft parts” don’t fossilize Fossil Record (cont) “Soft parts” don’t fossilize Specific conditions needed to form fossils Lack of “transitional” fossils
Evidence of Evolution 2. Homologous Structures: Anatomically similar structures Evidence of common evolutionary origin
Homologous Structures
Evidence of Evolution 3.Comparative Embryology: similarities in embryos
Evidence of Evolution 4.Compararative Biochemistry: Organisms have similar DNA, genes and enzymes
Evidence of Evolution 5. Vestigial Structures: reduced in size, no longer have function
What is Speciation? Formation of new species Become genetically different
What are Species? Group of organisms that can interbreed & produce fertile offspring
Infertile Species Horse + Donkey = Mule
Species Loop Hole Not a perfect definition Used for classification Some different species can produce fertile offspring
Rate of Speciation Gradualism: Evolution occurring at slow rate Punctuated Equilibrium: Evolution occurring at irregular rates
Cause of Speciation Geographic Barriers Environment Changes Mountains, Rivers, etc. Environment Changes