Sources of Food Group Intakes Among the US Population, 2001-02 Jessica L. Bachman, MS, MPH, RD: University of Tennessee Jill Reedy, PhD, MPH, RD: National Cancer Institute (NCI) Amy F. Subar, PhD, MPH, RD: NCI Susan M. Krebs-Smith, PhD, MPH, RD: NCI JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN DIETETIC ASSOCIATION Bachman, JL, et al. J Am Diet Assoc. 108(5), May. 2008
Sources of Food Group Intakes Among the US Population, 2001-02 Top Sources of Milk* *2001-2002 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN DIETETIC ASSOCIATION Bachman, JL, et al. J Am Diet Assoc. 108(5), May. 2008
Sources of Food Group Intakes Among the US Population, 2001-02 Top Sources of Oils* *2001-2002 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN DIETETIC ASSOCIATION Bachman, JL, et al. J Am Diet Assoc. 108(5), May. 2008
Sources of Food Group Intakes Among the US Population, 2001-02 Top Sources of Solid Fats* *2001-2002 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN DIETETIC ASSOCIATION Bachman, JL, et al. J Am Diet Assoc. 108(5), May. 2008
Sources of Food Group Intakes Among the US Population, 2001-02 Top Sources of Added Sugars* *2001-2002 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN DIETETIC ASSOCIATION Bachman, JL, et al. J Am Diet Assoc. 108(5), May. 2008