Marxism, Communism, Socialism
Karl Marx (Marxism) Prussian Historian/Economist Revolutionary view of class and power Wrote: Communist Manifesto and Das Capital Collaborated with Friedrich Engles Important to understanding the cycles of human history and the danger of the capitalist system. Workers will eventually overtake the middle and upper classes. Marxism is the examination of class struggle
Terms Bourgeoisie - Upper Middle class that exploits the working class and owns the means of production. Proletariat - Low social class, the working class. Does not own the means of production. Shall overtake the middle and upper classes in marxist theory. "The Dictatorship of the Proletariat"
Stage of Marxism 1. Total worker exploitation. All capital in the hands of a few capitalists. 2. Spontaneous, bloody revolution. 3. Temporary Dictatorship of the Proletariat. 4. Government withers away!
Marxism To reach "full communism", government would be abolished and ownership would be collective. Communal Ownership of means and Capital No class distinctions "From each according to his ability, to each according to their needs". The true "utopia"
Lenin’s Alterations to Marxism 1. No need to wait for Capitalism. Revolution can happen in an agrarian country 2. Without industrialization, revolution must be led by a small vanguard, not spontaneous revolt. 3. Industrialized countries have been trapped at Dictatorship of Proletariat stage because exploited 3rd world instead of their own people.
Why don't we Like Communism? Normally; attempts will result in dictatorship Not obtainable or practical Not "democracy" as we know it Some feel it destroys human achievement and productivity.
Big “C” Communism NOT Marxism Clearly communist nations have always exploited their workers and have been controlled by totalitarian dictatorships. NOT MARXISM with a withering of the proletariat dictatorship.
Socialism today NOT Marxist or Communist. There are many varieties of socialism and there is no single definition encapsulating all of them. If major energy and transportation systems are owned by government, if taxes are high and social programs are extensive, if medical care and higher education are inexpensive or free, you’re a socialist economy.