Accelerated Introduction to Computer Science CS 201 Accelerated Introduction to Computer Science LECTURE 1 GEORGE KOUTSOGIANNAKIS Copyright: 2017 Illinois Institute of Technology/ George Koutsogiannakis
COURSE INFORMATION -Instructor George Koutsogiannakis Office: SB112B Office Hours: Tuesdays an Thursdays 12:00 .a.m. – 1:00 p..m. Feel free to walk in without an appointment! Email:
COURSE INFORMATION -Instructor Other contact means You can call me on my office phone : 312- 567-5288 (although I prefer an email). Sometimes right after the class is over is a good time to answer short questions or resolve minor problems.
COURSE INFORMATION -Instructor PLEASE MAKE SURE THAT YOU MEET WITH ME EARLY ENOUGH IN THE COURSE IF YOU NEED HELP!! My job is to help you understand the topics and pass the exams. If there is an issue BRING IT UP TO ME.
COURSE INFORMATION -Teaching Assistants and course help The TAs (Teaching Assistant) grade the Lab assignments only. I grade everything else. TAs are assigned students, therefore the same TA grades your lab assignments thoughout the Semester. Another source for help, besides myself and the TAs, is the ARC (Academic Resource Center). They could have assistants there who can give you some help with some of the homework assignments. Hermann Hall Building-First Floor
COURSE INFORMATION -TEXT JAVA ILLUMINATED- An Active Learning Approach By Julie Anderson and Herve Franceschi Jones and Bartlett Publishers. FOURTH Edition BRING THE TEXT TO CLASS !! SOMETIMES EXERCISES FROM THE TEXT ARE ASSIGNED for practice in class.
COURSE INFORMATION -Web site COURSE WEB SITE: Use it to get : Instructor’ s office hours TAs (teaching assistants) office hours. Access to extra credit exercises (use link to download). Access to laboratories (use link to download).
COURSE INFORMATION -Web site Access to the lecture presentations (use link to download). Solutions to laboratories assignments and other assignments (use link for download) Information on grading policies. Information on upcoming quizzes and examinations.
COURSE INFORMATION -Course Work All tests in this course are to be uploaded on Blackboard. If you don’t know how to use Blackboard one of the Teaching Assistants or myself can help you. Ask for help. Files should be zipped (ask one of us to help you out with compressing files using zip. DO NOT use RAR!!- use zip option) You should name the zipped file as i.e.
COURSE INFORMATION -Blackboard submission You can use Blackboard to: View your grades. Submission of tests: Go to your blackboard account then click on information Choose assignment that you are submitting. Only one submission is allowed per assignment. In case of errors you have to email me so that I can approve a deletion and a resubmission. Zip the files that you are submitting by: Select files (or folders ) to be submitted Right click the mouse and choose : sent to->Compressed (zipped) folder.
Course Work Laboratories – 9 labs Tests- 2
COURSE INFORMATION -Course Work Laboratories . Total of 9 lab assignments. Total points earned : 36 Assignments are posted on web site and can be downloaded from there (right click the mouse and choose SaveAs) Read laboratory document in advance.
COURSE INFORMATION -Course Work Tests All tests are closed book closed notes. Tests could require you to write a program or two that test concepts discussed in class and in the laboratory assignments.
COURSE INFORMATION -Course Work/Grading TEST 1 : 25 points (7/20) TEST 2 : 39 points (8/10)
Course Topic Covers Object Oriented Programming (OOP)techniques using the Java programming language. No previous programming experience is required. You will be developing programs using Java.
Programming Languages Computers understand instructions called statements. Statements are written in one of the many available High Level Languages. Java is a High Level Language Others are: C++, Ada, C#, BASIC, C, Python etc.
Programs A program written in a high level language is called: source program or source code. The written program is saved in a file called: source code file. A source code program must be translated into instructions called: machine code instructions. The translation is accomplished via a software tool called: compiler. The machine code is then executed or interpreted.
Java Programs- Tools required Java Program Development Environment . A text Editor is needed to write a Java program. It can be as simple as Notepad. Or, it can be a IDE (Integrated Development Environment) like Notepad++ , EditPlus or Eclipse. The java compiler and interpreter is needed. This is known as the JDK (Java Development Kit). Both the Editor: Notepad++ and the JDK are available on your class stations computers. We will be using Notepad++ in class. Outside of class, you can use a text editor of your choice (your own computer) or do your work in the open lab areas, of the SB building.
INFORMATION ON JAVA Web sites for Java material: To download Java Development Kit for your own computer (optional)-- For online Tutorial For the Java API (Application Programming Interface) THE ABOVE LINKS AR EAVAILABLE IN THE COURSE’ WEB SITE.
INFORMATION ON JAVA It is advisable that at some point you download on your laptop (or desktop) what you need in order to develop Java programs (that is a text editor and the JDK). You will need help from me in order to install it on your laptop. DO NOT HESITATE TO ASK ME!!