Ellie DeGiorgio-Hudson LOGO To learn about Logo in order to use it to teach geometry and other topics on the elementary level Ellie DeGiorgio-Hudson
Introduction What is LOGO? Logo programming language is an interactive language that gives immediate feedback on instructions, thus aiding programming and debugging. When writing commands for drawing, the learner immediately sees the command executed and thus is able to analyze the correctness of the command. How Logo can be used Logo can be used by students to construct geometry concepts.
Where do I get Logo? A version of MSWLogo for Windows NT/95/98 can be downloaded from: http://softronix.com/logo.html An introduction to MSW Logo: http://www.southwest.com.au/~jfuller/logotut/menu.htm
Logo to teach Geometry Logo proramming can be used to have students construct concepts in geometry. Pre-computer activities: http://www.southwest.com.au/~jfuller/logotut/logo26.htm Teach the commands FD (forward), RT (Right), LT (Left), have students create a square. Discuss patterns students see. (This is the beginning; other concepts to be developed as teacher learns Logo and knows what to present to students!)
Logo to integrate with Social Studies Logo can be used to create Navajo design http://www.math.utah.edu/~clemens/LOGO_Intro.html
Other Resources What is Logo? http://www.microworlds.com/company/philosophy.html#book Why use Logo? An overview of Logo in Education http://www.terrapinlogo.com/show.cgi?id=1000904210127219&file=educators/why.html