Embracing Our Differences Ourselves.


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Presentation transcript:

Embracing Our Differences Ourselves

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ojUrs28LeGM Watch love letter to myself: Write a letter to yourself – cheering on your accomplishments, giving encouragement and telling yourself it’s ok to make mistakes deciding if there is anything you want to change and give yourself permission to do that – (a letter to yourself looking from the outside in)

Use this page to think about what matters most to you Use this page to think about what matters most to you. While doing this listen to lyrics of music that you like. Really decipher what they are singing about. (if kids don’t have iPod listen to snippets or lyrics on YouTube from each of the songs and have them write on a piece of paper lyrics/words/phrases that stand out) Do these lyrics represent how you want to live your life? Do they represent your paradigms?

http://movieclips.com/fZeD-how-the-grinch-stole-christmas-movie-i-hate-christmas/ Watch video clip from grinch – talk about embarrassing moments and what they cause externally and internally – Do activity in notebook. (if too hard to come up with own moment use the clip as example) Think about an all time embarrassing moment. Describe it as if you are writing a dramatic novel. Make yourself the main character, add other characters and describe what you said or did.

Now take your embarrassing moment and relay it in writing as if you were a stand up comedian and describe what happened. – (use clip as an example if not using own experience)

What are the differences between your embarrassing moments when you look at them through different lenses? If you encounter an embarrassing moment if you make light of it and let those emotions take over could the outcome be different?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W3EieYuqhqw Watch the video….. Describe an honest person. The most honest person I know is… He or she showed honesty by doing… I can be more honest by…

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QnZ83CSVWF8 Discuss with kids if they have ever experienced during the day or going to sleep that their mind runs with thoughts that they can’t stop, how does that effect them…. Do they get stuck on bad memories and how does that effect them emotionally….. Watch video and respond in notebooks….. When you need to refresh yourself how do you do it???? Talk about different ways to clear your mind and soul.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XxNSNQayDxk Evaluate your inner and outer dialogue. Discuss situations that you use reactive and proactive language or actions. Use a T chart and write down reactive language or actions you use and in what situations/proactive language you use and in what situation. Write down a phrase that you use a lot that is reactive / write down a phrase you use a lot that is proactive. What people in your life use reactive language and what people in your life use proactive language? Look at your reactive language and rephrase it to proactive.

Watch video….. Describe a person you know that is a can-do person – describe what tells you that (body language, actions, words) Describe an obstacle this can-do person was able to overcome. What successes does this can-do person have? If this person was a can’t do how would there life be different? How can you become a can do person? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nwP36w2074w

What are the consequences for not having a vision in life What are the consequences for not having a vision in life? What are positive consequences for having a vision? Watch video and discuss then answer questions below. Choosing friends that have the same values is important because: Some things my friends value are: Some things my parents value are: The choices I make as a teenager can affect me when I am older in the following ways: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=36m1o-tM05g

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tnMuTjLyrzE Watch video……..What hat will you wear? A label I have put on someone in the past is: I gave that person the label because: The label effected the way I treated him or here because: Another way the label could of affected him / her is: My label is going to be my goal… My label is: My goal is: These are the steps I will take to reach my goal:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i41qWJ6QjPI Listen to song….. Legacy: thinking about my future and those around me… The legacy I want to leave is: The place I must focus my attention is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i41qWJ6QjPI

Set a goal for each of your roles as a person… Role: friend – one thing you will do to make a difference Role: son/daughter – one thing you will do to make a difference Role: student – one thing you will do to make a difference Role: productive citizen in society – one thing you will do to make a difference

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oz7kZMoCers Watch video Speed write on a piece of paper all the simple acts of kindness you have done this week (for free) and for who or what you will do in the future

Watch movie clip…. Discuss relationships, preconceptions Think of an emotional tug of war you have been in with another person… Write down what happened. Draw a picture of their face and yours during that time. Look at the scenario through a different lens taking each others feelings and experiences into account. What could you have done differently to make it more of a win win situation? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wlWaBPFowRY

Three things I wish my parents understood about me: Three things I wish my teachers understood about me: Three things I wish my friends understood about me: Three things I wish my brothers/sisters understood about me: Someone I know that is struggling with a problem is: What can I do to make them feel more comfortable, understood, or accepted around me?

If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cSohjlYQI2A 1. If you could buy one thing for yourself and money was no object what would it be and why? If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be? What is your favorite movie and why? What is your most precious memory? What thing do you fear the most? What’s the one thing that always makes you happy? Genuine listening… watch ted x video - practice three minutes of silence, listen to what you hear around you, is there a sound that catches your attention (put on video of beach), listening positions, acronym RASA – receive, appreciate, summarize ask Use the RASA acronym to then do activity…. pair kids up to do an interview ask the kids to use the interview questions.. After doing interview talk about what was hard about really listening…

Watch video: Think about a disagreement you have had with a peer or adult us the synergy action plan – discuss plan using video then do a plan on own in notebook. Define the problem If you were really listening what did they say How can you share your views in a respectful manner give an example What could you come up with to brainstorm about the problem to lead to a win win solution Is there a solution you could compromise on? http://movieclips.com/v9zp-the-school-of-rock-movie-the-man/

http://movieclips.com/CAyi-uncle-buck-movie-im-your-uncle-buck/ Think about someone that irritates you: Watch video clip and discuss which character is irritated: how do they know, what do they see, what do they hear – what about different people irritate them??? Then answer questions below What is different about them? What can you learn from them?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HNa_r92tdTM Play song with video: Have kids reflect on each – how does it effect their body / mind / heart / soul How can they decide to control how outside influences determine their outlook?

Draw three to four shadows in your notebook… What shadow are you casting on the earth.

Look at each flamingo use each of the colors and what do they represent about your personality.

Pair up in groups of two, spend 1 minute looking at each other and then switch notebooks and write a wish for them for their future.