It establishes that the national government has to plan and proclaim : the three-yearly programme about admission and immigtration policy the annual entry flows legislative decree Admission and Integration Legislation Testo Unico law enacted by the legislative decree n°286 of 25 th July 1998.
It was modified by the: – Law n. 189 of 30 th July 2002 called Bossi-Fini – law n. 125 of 24 th July 2008 and law n.94 of 15 th July set of Security law. The Laws introduce: – the crime of illegal immigration – new measures for expulsion – more powers to the prefecture and majors – new livels of cooperation beetwen local governments and armed services for the struggle to the illegal emigration Admission and Integration Legislation
Admission Policy The testo unico law affirms the immigrants have to get a entry visa from the Italian consulates and embassies in the immigrants native countries to come in Italy This can be a Visa for: tourist and business visit (maximum three months) study (more than 1 year). seasonal job (maximum six month) 3 dependent employment, 'Self-employment',more than 2 years) political asylum social protection immigrants in danger 7(minimum 6 months) Family reunification 4 volunteers 5 scientific research for Third Naional countries immigrants6
Integration Italian Process The Testo Unico and the Charter of values of citizenship and integration (enacted 2007) promote the participation to the economic and the social life of the immigrants and guarantee them: Freedom rights social rights free medical assistance. special protection for mothers and children. The right to receive an education The right to work Nowadays the national, regional and local governments have been discussing about: 1.Citizenshipt that its possibly to obtain it just in two cases: wedding with a Italian citizen or after reaching the 18 years old 2.Right to vote for immigrants as its provided for the art. N.9 of the Testo Unico n.286/1998.
Integration bodies control The Main national Integration bodies control are: Territorial Councils for immigration Service immigration DESK National Fund for the migratory policies National Racial Anti-discrimination Office
Best pratice Menhej: Cultural and Welfare Association The Association realize a SERVICE DESK for immigrant inside the ANFE Service Center in Marsala in partnership with the Marsala Municipality and the Province Government It has the following objectives: Promoting the immigrants integration in Marsala through a coopertaion with institutions and local associations Developing the cultural exchange between the different ethnic groups Offering free service information and counseling to the immigrants
It offers to immigrants of Third national countries free information and counseling about: Legal and social consulting Service of cultural mediation Health Care and Social work Carrer and educational guidance Job employment Best pratices Menhej:Services offered
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