Natura 2000 Biogeographical Process


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Presentation transcript:

Natura 2000 Biogeographical Process EXPERT GROUP ON REPORTING UNDER THE NATURE DIRECTIVES 16th Meeting: 16 March 2015, 9.30-17.00 Centre Borschette, Brussels Mark Snethlage, ECNC Natura 2000 Biogeographical Process

Natura 2000 Biogeographical Process launched in 2011 (Boreal region) Atlantic, Alpine and Mediterranean have followed Continental, Pannonian, Black Sea and Steppic will follow in June, and Macaronesian

Natura 2000 Biogeographical Process Purpose: encourage cooperation and knowledge exchange between stakeholders at biogeographical level to improve conservation status of habitats selected for priority consideration (and species that depend on these habitats)

Natura 2000 Biogeographical Process Instruments / activities at biogeographical level • Collect and disseminate background information • (Kick off) Workshops / Seminars • Ad hoc meetings / (expert) workshops • Networking meetings

Natura 2000 Biogeographical Process Instruments / activities at EU level • Thematic networking meetings • Communication platform • Newsletter

Natura 2000 Biogeographical Process Issues relevant to the Expert group on reporting are often mentioned: - Definition / identification of habitats - Definition and use of Favourable reference values - Conservation objectives - Favourable conservation status - Monitoring protocols

Problems, issues and needs Lack of clarity with regard to DEFINITIONS Inadequate REFERENCE VALUES Insufficient DATA Lack of clarity with regard to procedures and PROCESS Spatial and SCALE issues Application of FCS and CONSERVATION OBJECTIVES in the field

Objectives and possible solutions Provide better standards and DEFINITIONS Provide / update REFERENCES Improve the PROCESS of FCS assessment, setting conservation objectives etc Improve SPATIAL challenges

Mechanisms and possible actions To improve the PROCESS of assessment and monitoring Providing better REFERENCES Facilitate KNOWLEDGE EXCHANGE

Remaining challenges Monitor and assess FCS in the face of CLIMATE CHANGE Understand the concept of FCS in relation to DYNAMIC NATURAL PROCESSES NO UNIVERSAL CONSENSUS within NBP on these issues

Further synergies / opportunities Links with Target 2 of the Biodiversity strategy: MAES, RPF Scope for Cooperation: LIFE Information & Communication projects

Thank you very much