Errol Baty 616.666.0137 Basketball 2018-19 Season Errol Baty 616.666.0137
Agenda Previous Meeting Follow up What’s on your mind? Communication Presentation Questions
Previous Mtg Follow Up What’s on Your Mind?
Communicate to Officiate Communication: a process by which information is exchanged between individuals through a common system of symbols, signs and behavior.
Communicate with Confidence Confident Lack of confidence 1. Small Controlled Gesture Indicates leadership and confidence 2. Open Hands or Arms shows one has nothing to hide 3. Lean into the conversation Engaged, comfortable 1. Exagerated Gesture Implies ones stretching the truth 2. Crossed Arms Creates a barrier suggesting one is not open to hearing the opposing side 3.Turning away from others Not engaged, uncomfortable
Communicate with Confidence Confident Lack of Confidence 4. Consistency with words and expressions Presents one as believable and trustworthy 5. Eye Contact Implies confidence, strength and knowledge of topic 4. Inconsistent dialogue and expressions Presents one as unsure and not confident in what your saying 5. Avoiding eye contact Implies there something to hide or lack of confidence and lack of knowledge of topic
Pre Game Communication Game/Site Manager Partners Players Captains Coaches Table Start times, locker room, return for half time. Pregame-teams, areas of focus Properly equipped, etc. Captains mtg.- Short and Sweet 1:30 half court- Short/Sweet Fist bumps, Hi-fives, make them feel good and part of the crew.
In Game Communication Who: Partners Players/Coaches Always engaged and on same page Players/Coaches Respect goes both ways. No need to explain every call. Be brief- Be Bright Be gone. Table- Clear signals and communication when reporting fouls and violations. Site/Game Manager Half Time/End of the Game How: Non-Verbal Eye Contact Thumbs up or Down Mechanics Body Language Verbal Talking to Coaches Talking to Players Respect goes both ways Preventative Officiating
Communicating with Partner/Partners Pregame: Discuss points of emphasis Discuss play scenarios and how they should be handled Discuss technical fouls or warnings when given how they should be handled Discuss how communication will be made on the 6th team foul or if fouls are lop-sided Discuss how to communicate problem players that should be watched In Game 10 Players ready to play-Thumbs up Last shot end of half and game Help on Calls Foul counts, Time outs left possible situations in last minutes of the game
Communication with Players Utilize Captains for Problem Players Communicate good play as well as not so good plays Maintain game management through good dead ball officiating and preventative officiating. Talk to players to talk them out of things. Be especially verbal during dead balls to keep players focused. Or get them back focused. Stay professional don’t fraternize with players as it may give off the wrong idea. No need to explain every call. Your whistle and signal gives all the explanation needed.
Communication with Coaches Respect is a 2 way street! Don’t take things personal. Above all DO NOT let them disrespect you. Always maintain your professionalism. DO NOT disrespect them either, again maintain professionalism. Communicate to keep them informed. Problem players, Injured Players, Ready for Play, etc. Be accessible when possible. Be Clear and to the Point Have Short Concise answers, No Derogatory Comments or answers Don’t BS them, if you miss a call that’s ok. Just don’t miss to many. Do not turn your back or stare down a coach. Be Clear, Confident and Concise in your communication. Then back to work. As stated before every call does not need to be explained.
Communication with Scorers Table Pregame Build rapport the timer, scorer and announcer are part of the crew. Game Time Crisp Mechanics. Strong Voice Patience- They will make mistakes. Let them know its ok when they do.
Remember Communicate with Confidence
Preamble / WMOA In order to promote and maintain high professional standards of sports officiating, and to engender a spirit of mutual respect and cooperation between coaches, athletic directors, other interested parties and the sports officials of this area, the West Michigan Officials’ Association is organized and established.