Global History through Literacy Agenda: DO NOW: Term Matching October 29, 2018 Global History through Literacy Agenda: DO NOW: Term Matching NOTES #10: What are the main beliefs of Islam? CLASS ASSIGNMENT: “Islam” NOTES-CHECK (#s 6–10) TODAY JUDAISM, CHRISTIANITY, AND ISLAM OPEN-NOTES TEST TOMORROW (BASED ON NOTES #s 8–10)
What are the main beliefs of Islam? Notes #10
Islam is the fastest growing monotheistic religion practiced in the world today.
Islam was founded by Muhammad, developed in the Arabian Peninsula, and spread to other areas in the Middle East and Africa. Muhammad
The angel Gabriel visits Muslims, who practice Islam, believe that Allah is the one true God and Muhammad received word from Allah while living in Mecca. The angel Gabriel visits Muhammad
When people in Mecca attempted to kill Muhammad for preaching about Allah, he fled to Medina (called the hijra).
Muhammad later returned to declare jihad (war) on Mecca, took the city, and established Islam in that area. X MECCA
Muslims read the Qur’an, which contains the Five Pillars of Islam that Muslims are to follow.
THE FIVE PILLARS OF ISLAM: Shahada: Muslims must believe that "there is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is His prophet.“ Salah: Muslims must pray five times per day, facing towards Mecca. Zakat: Muslims must donate at least 2.5% of their income to charity. Saum: During the ninth month of the Muslim calendar, all Muslims must fast during daylight hours, except the very young or sick. Hajj: If possible financially, each Muslim must make a holy pilgrimage to the city of Mecca.
Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem (Israel) Muslims worship in temples called mosques, which are led by imams and muezzins. Muezzin Imam Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem (Israel)