Mayberry MARS Precision Rimfire Match Sunday, Jan. 27, 2019 Match Book
Safety Brief (Ken) Eye and hearing protection are required Match is limited to .22LR caliber only. Mayberry is a muzzle down club Empty Chamber Indicators (ECI’s) are to be used when off the firing line No side arms will be permitted in the match area. If you have them, please secure them in your vehicle ‘Cease Fire’ means cease fire and will serve as the recognized command Everyone will be off of their rifle and ECI in place before anyone goes down range. Shooters will remain off of their rifles with ECI in place until all clear is given In the event of an emergency, one designated person will call 911 and meet first responders Is there anyone with Emergency Medical Experience? Who will call 911?
Firing Line Commands “Shooter # to the line” - Bolt back, ECI inserted, Mag full in hand (NOT in rifle) “Shooter Load & Make Ready” - For bolt action: Remove ECI, Bolt Back, Insert mag - For semi-auto: Remove ECI, Close Bolt, Insert mag “Shooter Ready” positive reply from the shooter, Standby…Beep - Shooter to proceed to the firing position w/ muzzle pointed downrange at the target, shooter may NOW chamber a round and engage target(s) “Cease Fire”, “Unload & Show Clear” - Shooter will stop firing, remove mag, un-chamber any round, show clear, insert ECI
Failure to follow match safety and club rules will result in a match disqualification and possible removal from the facility Verbal warnings for minor issues are at the RO’s discretion Any discharge of firearm not within the time limit of a stage is a disqualification Any misfire, either mechanical or negligent discharge, is a disqualification
MARS Presentation (Dave)
Match Rules When the shooter is called to the line, the shooter must be ready to shoot. No time will be given for a walk thru or pre-stage set up. Shooters will be given 30 minutes to visit all the stages prior to the start of the match (0830-0900). Unless otherwise indicated, all gear must be brought to the line in carry configuration. Gear can only be deployed during shooting time. Ready position for bolt action rifles is bolt open and magazine inserted. Ready position for semi-auto rifles is bolt closed on an empty chamber and magazine inserted. For bolt action rifles, bolts must be back when changing positions. For semi-auto rifles, the safety must be applied and verbalized by the shooter when changing positions. Dispute process: RO MD
There are no re-do’s!!!!
Stage 1 – Capt. Phillips (Boat Simulator) Target: 2”, 2.5”,2” plates Stage: Start position is standing with rifle in ready condition behind prop On start signal, shooter engages targets. Must shoot in the following order: L C R Must hit to move Round count: 6 Time: 30 secs Scoring: 1pt per hit Logistics: Pistol Range 2” 2.5” 2” 25 yds
Stage 2 – Card Shark Target: Playing card at 25 yards Stage: Start position is prone with rifle in ready condition Rifle must line up with “shooting line”, at 90 degrees to card Round count: 5 max Time: 60 secs Scoring: Must split or hit card Split - 10 pts Hit – 5 pts Logistics: Pistol Range 25 yds
Stage 3 – Trips Target: 4 paint balls Stage: Start position is standing with rifle in ready condition On start signal, shooter drops to prone and engages paintballs Round count: 1 Time: 45 secs Scoring: 1pt per paintball hit If center of paintballs is hit without touching any paintball, 5pts Logistics: Pistol Range 25yds
Stage 4 – On your face! Target: 2” plate Stage: Start position is standing with rifle in ready condition On start, shooter drops to prone position and engages target Shooter must be perpendicular to target and gun on side (right or left) Round count: 15 Time: 60 secs Scoring: 1pt/hit 10pt maximum Logistics: 50yd Range 2 50 yds
Stage 5 – Tears of the Sun 6” Target: 6” plate KYL Stage: Start position is standing with rifle in ready condition On start signal, shooter engages 6” target from standing position (Not part of KYL) Must hit to move Upon hit, shooter moves to barrel and engages KYL Round count: Unlimited Time: 120 secs Scoring: 1pt/hit Miss on KYL zeroes stage Logistics: 50yd Range Rifle/bag must touch barrel 6” 50yds 1 2
Stage 6 – Up & Down 2” 2” Target: Two 2” IPSC Stage: Start position is standing. Rifle may be staged in ready condition. For each run, on start signal, shooter drops to prone position and engages each plate with 1 shot max within the time limit of each stage. On completion of each phase, shooter must put rifle on safe, return to standing position and waits for commands. (Reset timer to next phase) Round count: 8 (2 per run) Time: Phase 1: 12 secs Phase 2: 10 secs Phase 3: 8 secs Phase 4: 6 secs Scoring: 1pt/hit 8pts maximum Logistics: 50yd Range 2” 2” 50yds
Stage 7 – American Sniper 12” Target: 12” Square 8” Heart Stage: Start position is standing behind roof with rifle in ready condition On start signal, shooter moves to roof and assumes any shooting position and engages 300yd target Alternate targets between hits Must hit to move Body must be off ground Unlimited shots Time: 120 secs Scoring: 1pt/hit 10 pts maximum Logistics: Pavilion 8” 300 yds 200yds
Stage 8 – Omaha Target: 4/6” Diamond Stage: Start position is standing with rifle in ready condition On start signal, shooter engages diamond from tank trap Rifle must be supported by barricade only 8 Shots Max Prone – 2 shots Seated – 2 shots Kneeling – 2 shots Standing – 2 shots Time: 120 secs Scoring: 1pt/hit 8 pts maximum Logistics: Pavilion No bags or support 100yds
Stage 9 - Quigley Target: 8” square at 200 yards Stage: Start position standing with rifle in ready condition On start, shooter engages 8” target from standing position Unlimited Shots Time: 60 secs Scoring: 1pt/hit 10 pts maximum Logistics: Pavilion Unsupported No slings or bags 8” 200yds