The Cultural Geography of Africa South of the Sahara Unit 7 Chapter21 The Cultural Geography of Africa South of the Sahara Ch 21 PP
I. Section I Population Patterns Ch 21 PP
A. Rapid Population Growth Africa Statistics Highest Birthrate & Death rate of the world Births Still Outnumber Deaths! Population Growth of this region is the highest in the world! Highest Infant Mortality Shortest Life Expectancy Ch 21 PP
One factor – AIDS – could drastically change Africa’s population! About 70% of the people with HIV live in Africa S. of the Sahara At the end of 2000, about 17 million Africans had already died of AIDS – related diseases What do you think some of the effects are of this issue? Ch 21 PP
A. (cont) Population & Distribution Not very many people for how much land there is! If evenly spread, density would be about 76 people per sq. mi. (Unfortunately, it is not even) Ex. – Rwanda – 817, Namibia – 6 Land & Climate affect distribution Ch 21 PP
Population & Food Production High population & economic challenges = not enough food! 70% of people are farmers, but there still is not enough food Too many cash crops & not enough food grown for citizens Tea Picking Ch 21 PP
Population & Health Care Famine, Malnutrition, Poor Water, Inadequate Sanitation, Diseases (Malaria) have claimed many lives Insects such as mosquitoes & tsetse fly transmit disease Ch 21 PP
Fetching Water: A Girl’s Life Water Well in Ethiopia Wash Day in Madagascar Fetching Water: A Girl’s Life Ch 21 PP
B. A Diverse Population Growing Cities Fastest rate of urbanization Most cities are along the coasts, rivers, or rich natural resources Lagos (Nigeria) – largest city in this region Ch 21 PP
II. Section II History & Government Tribal leader Nigeria’s President Ch 21 PP
A. African Roots First Civilizations Empires in the West Around tens of thousands of years ago! Egyptians – along the Nile River Empires in the West Trading empires began – Ghana & Mali Ch 21 PP
B. European Colonization The Slave Trade in Africa 1600 – 1700s Europeans were trading heavily w/Europeans Gold, ivory, textiles, enslaved workers Ch 21 PP
Europe Divides & Rules 1800s – 1914 – Europe had laid claim to all of Africa except Ethiopia, Liberia, and South Africa Ch 21 PP
C. From Colonies to Countries By mid-1900s, educated Africans had launched the independence movement By the 2nd ½ of the century, the colonies became independent Nigeria: A Colonial Legacy Read map & timeline on pg. 523 Ch 21 PP
South Africa: Road to Freedom Apartheid – separation of races Did not end until the early 1990s Universal Suffrage – 1994 - voting rights for all citizens Nelson Mandela – make sure you know who this is! Ch 21 PP
III. Section III Cultures & Lifestyles Ch 21 PP
A. Languages More than 800 languages! Six major language categories Soccer Fan from Ghana Ch 21 PP
Lingua Franca – means common language Usually French or English in this region Ch 21 PP
B. Religions #1 – Christianity #2 – Muslim #3 – Traditional Religions Ch 21 PP
C. Education Educational Advances Education is improving in areas that have the needed resources Only about 60% of people aged 15 and older can read & write Literacy Rate – the ability of people to read & write Rural areas are often lower New Ways of Learning Only 10 out of 1,000 people have a computer Internet access is not available to many Ch 21 PP
D. The Arts Masks, drums, textiles, dance, music Oral tradition – passing down stories through generations Ch 21 PP
E. Varied Lifestyles Make sure you read pgs. 530-531! Families are very important Extended Families Clans Nuclear Family Make sure you read pgs. 530-531! Sudanese Wedding Ch 21 PP