PERCOM i H Hipercom project presentation Philippe Jacquet evaluation seminar
PERCOM i H Project Objectives HIgh PERformance COMmunication –The algorithms for high-performant new generation networking –Where the performance matters (mobile and wireless ad hoc) –Toward massively dense, mobile and dynamic networks (M2D2).
PERCOM i H Why focusing on wireless networks? Where performance matters –Low bandwidth –High mobility –Existing protocols dont scale on mobile and wireless –Topology control is the bottleneck –Strong algorithmic challenges A wireless network is more than a network with its wires cut.
PERCOM i H Topics and results Theory on Massively dense mobile wireless networks –scaling properties –control overhead optimization New services and protocols –OLSR and IETF standardization –QoS, security, multicast Wireless and backbone convergence –OSPF-Manet 4G Manet convergence
PERCOM i H Project team methodology Hipercom Golden Triangle Theory, models experimentation optimization standardization dissemination
PERCOM i H Manet Theory embraces Stochastic geometry Combinatorics and asymtotic analysis Graph theory Information theory Queueing networks Fractal objects Wave propagation Computing complexity Plan and space tiling Complex systems simulation etc
PERCOM i H Focus on some results Optimized Link State Routing protocol –more than 500,000 hits on google –Full internet legacy –Easy installation –new protocol reference for mobile networks –OLSRv2
PERCOM i H OLSR worldwide
PERCOM i H OLSR worldwide 2 nd OLSR interop Leipzig OLSR network
PERCOM i H OLSR military
PERCOM i H Focus on new results Random reception areas in random fields
PERCOM i H Focus on new results Scaling in massively dense wireless networks –OLSR equations R R
PERCOM i H New services, Quality of Service Application (Bandwidth) Routing on the Fixed Path Class 1 Marking Proactive research of good routes. Interferences make it NP hard
PERCOM i H Numerous extensions QOLSR, QOST (OLSR with QoS) OLSR v6 (auto-configuration) SOLSR (OLSR with security) MOLSR, MOST (Multicast OLSR) UD-OLSR (OLSR with UD links) PS-OLSR (OLSR with power saving) OSPF-MPR (extension in OSPF) etc… OLSR optimized stable legacy MOLSR QoS Scalability Security Link Layer
PERCOM i H Protocols and standardization Internet Engineering Task Force –MANET (OLSR protocol suite) –MANET-Autoconf –NEMO –MANET-OSPF IEEE s
PERCOM i H The Internet – now & future Future:Current: Static Internet core Dynamic Internet core Mobile terminals
PERCOM i H Beyond OLSR and Internet Opportunistic routing in random field Delay Tolerant routing Network coding
PERCOM i H Project team positioning Inside INRIA ComB: –ARES, GANG, Planete, MADYNES, TREC Inside INRIA –CODES, IMARA, POPS, TANC Outside INRIA –Ecole Polytechnique, Paris 11 Orsay –LIP6, Paris 12, Paris 13, INT –Celar Industrial partners –Daimler, EDF, FT, Hitachi, Samsung, SNCF,
PERCOM i H Next four year objectives Theoretical limits of mobile networking OLSR and related protocols Beyond OLSR and Internet Drone and vehicular communication
PERCOM i H Project team evolution Present: –Localization: Rocquencourt UR Members outside INRIA –ecole polytechnique (Thomas Clausen) –Paris South Orsay University (Khaldoun Alagha) Futur: –Common project team with INRIA, Polytechnique, Orsay –INRIA bilocalization: Rocquencourt, Saclay, URs
PERCOM i H Hipercom project team UR Rocquencourt (algorithms and performance evaluation) –Philippe Jacquet (DR), –Pascale Minet (CR1) –Paul Muhlethaler (DR) –Cedric Adjih (CR1) –Yasser Toor (PhD) –Saouecene Mahfoudh (PhD) –Danielle Croisy (Assistante) Collaborateur exterieur –Anis Laouiti (INT Evry) UR Futurs (Multi-site) LIX (protocols and IETF): –Thomas Clausen (MdC), –Emmanuel Baccelli (CR2) –Songyean Cho (PhD) LRI (QoS and 4G): –Khaldoun Al Agha Professeur Scientific leader: Philippe Jacquet Deputy leader: Pascale Minet
PERCOM i H Hipercom air force Hipercopter Zarma