The gospel of John THE GOSPEL OF JOHN Chapter 1 Review
The gospel of John Matthew Life of Jesus Apostles Miracles Teachings Conflicts Death Burial Resurrection Mark Life of Jesus Apostles Miracles Teachings Conflicts Death Burial Resurrection Luke Life of Jesus Apostles Miracles Teachings Conflicts Death Burial Resurrection John Life of Jesus Apostles Miracles Teachings Conflicts Death Burial Resurrection
The gospel of John 30 Jesus did many other miraculous signs in the presence of his disciples, which are not recorded in this book. 31 But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name. Chapter 1 John 20:30-31 Purpose Of the Fourth Gospel
The gospel of John Theme Chapter 1
The gospel of John
The gospel of John Chapter 1
The gospel of John Thematic Words of John TermJohn 1Frequency in John Frequency in NT Life 1: Light 1:42373 Witness 1: Believe 1: World 1: Truth 1: Glory 1: Father 1:
The gospel of John Put Yourself There
The gospel of John Chapter 1 Outline of Chapter 1 I.Prologue Vs 1-18 II.John the Baptist testifies about himself to Jerusalem Delegation Vs III.Johns initial witness of Jesus (The Lamb of God) vs IV.Call of the first disicples vs V.Call of Philip and Nathanael vs.43-51
The gospel of John Chapter 1 First Disciples 1.Call occurs in Judea 2.First 2 were Disciple of John the Baptist 3.Follow Jesus because of Johns Declaration 4.One was Andrew (from Bethsaida) 5.Other was unnamed (Likely John the Apostle and writer of the book) 6.Next called was Peter (from Bethsaida) 7.Next Called was Philip (from Bethsaida) 8.Next Called was Nathanael (from Cana)
The gospel of John First Disciples Call of the First Disciples Matthew 4:18-25 Mark 1:14-20 Luke 5:1-11 John 1:35-51 Galilee Judea
The gospel of John Galilee Judea
The gospel of John First Disciples List of Apostles Matthew 10:3 Mark 3:18 Luke 6:14 Acts 1:13
The gospel of John Who is this Nathanael? 1.Not mentioned in the other Gospels 2.Identity is speculative 3.Possible Bartholomew (relationship to the listing of Philip
The gospel of John Series of Days DayEventVerse 1Inquiry from Jerusalem1:19 2Jesus proclaimed Lamb of God1:29 3First Disciples Called (Andrew and John)1:35 4? Call of Peter1:40 5Call of Philip and Nathanael1:43 6Travelling 7Wedding at Cana2:1
The gospel of John I tell you the Truth
The gospel of John Chapter 2 The First Sign Water into Wine Jesus Clears the Temple
The gospel of John Miracles of Jesus 35 Recorded Miracles Water to Wine (2) Royal Officials Son (4) Paralyzed Man (5) Feeds 5000 (6) Walks on Water (6) Blind Man (9) Catch of Fish (21) Lazerus Rises (11)
The gospel of John Wedding in Cana Veronese 16 th c.
The gospel of John 24 x 33 ft
The gospel of John My Time My Time has not ComeMy Time has come 2:412:23 7:3012:27 8:2013:1 17:1
The gospel of John Jesus Clears the Temple John 2:12-22
The gospel of John Jesus Clears the Temple Matthew 21:12 Mark 11:15 Luke 19:45 John 2:12-24
The gospel of John Chapter 1