#3 Daniel Dizon 2/17/11 History San Juan Capistrano Mission Project
In the front of San Juan Capistrano there is a sign that lists the name of the mission and the landmarks and buildings. It also lists when and who founded the mission. There is also a sign that is about Saint John Capistrano, John Corvinus Hunyadi, and the Noon Angelus.
In Father Serras Church you feel like you are back in the days and you can see people worshiping and praying to the Lord. Since its a place of worship there is a lot of beautiful crafted gold and silver. There is no loud talking, no pets, no writing on the walls, no playing with the candles, and you have to remove your hats.
A statue in San Juan Capistrano is a large stone Father Serra statue. It is located by the mission bells. It was built in remembrance of Father Serra. Father Serra was a man who thought of the plan and how to build these beautiful missions.
These bells were built to remember the real ones that once collapsed in a terrible earthquake. Special people were chosen to ring the bells to state its a feast or meal, baptism, wedding, and even deaths. There are 4 bells 2 are large and 2 are small. There is a special way to ring them either a male or a female. T6he small bells are called angel bells they are ringed if a childs death has occurred.
The padres quarters is where the priests work, sleep, and live. Like everybodys house its got that modern look and it is suitable to them. There are things in it to let them work quietly such as a rocking chair or a fireplace. Some things they do in the padres quarters is they pray and they do paperwork.
San Juan Capistranos courtyard is located by the very front. There are really beautiful flowers and plants that grow in the courtyard. There is also a pretty fish fountain with koi swimming around. If you look closely you can see tiny baby fish. This means the koi are repopulating. The courtyard is very close to the church bells.
The kitchen in San Juan Capistrano is in the room they also sort the vegetables and produce. There is a big black pot with fire logs under it. There is vegetables lying on the counters and dead animals hung by rope. They will give the meal to priests, soldiers, and bell ringers ( and anybody that works there).
In the indoor food storage they store there food and harvest. Dont be confused with the indoor kitchen where they cook their harvest. They have large shelves containing olive oil, bread, vegetables, and many more. Some are part of everyday life and some are just plain weird.
There is a lot of tools missions use. For making armor to the presidios. Some tools blacksmiths make while theyre working is a tong a tool they used to pick up very HOT medal. Another tool they used is a olive mill which they used to make olive oil. It may look like a rock pancake on a metal stick. They put olives in the center or the metal bar and they roll it creating olive juice.
The first thing you look at when you walk into the cemetery is a large stone monument with a cross above it. It is the grave for Father Sullivan. Father Sullivan saw the mission full of wild animals but soon kept the mission alive. Most of the graves there is of people whom worked there. The start of there names are like Father or Priest.
The soldiers barracks is where the Spanish soldiers lived. There there is very cool looking, powerful armor and weapons. Some armor there is vests made of animal hides. This blocks from Native American arrows. Then there is the weapons. Some examples of weapons is a sword, a gun, and an axe. These are the old days so the weapons are EXTREMELY powerful!
Kiichas are Native American houses that were here before the mission. Another thing by the Kiisha is a tool that they use to grind acorns. It looks like a stone with giant holes in it. They would then take the acorn powder and fry it to make a food.
By the exit there is a diagram of the mission that is when the mission was not yet completed. Before earthquakes and time it was clean and beautiful. Sheep, horses, cows, and lizards lived there. We saw for ourselves 2 lizards by the plants.
The Great Stone Church was a massive artifact. It took 9 years to complete. The tiring work ended in The great monument was destroyed in a colossal earthquake in 9012 m 6 years after!
Beautiful swallows migrate in and out of San Juan Capistrano over time. There are many types of these beautiful birds. The common swallow in the area is the cliff swallow.
When the Spanish or the Native Americans hunted a animal they didnt just use the meat. They used a lot of parts of the animals body. They used leather and skin from animals to make clothes and blankets. My sister and I saw and touched a display horse skin hung up on a wall.
In San Juan Capistrano there is a big separate room full of artifacts not only from the Spanish, also the Native Americans. There is things they used for ceremonies, hunting church lots of stuff from the Spanishs ever day life! From the Native Americans they have styles of clothing spears, arrowheads, and much more!