1 1 Fractal Deployment Framework Monday, December 11, 2006 Philippe MERLE Nicolas DOLET Jacquard Project - INRIA Futurs, Laboratoire dInformatique Fondamentale de Lille (LIFL), Université des Sciences et Technologies de Lille (USTL), Villeneuve dAscq, France RNTL JOnES Meeting – Paris - France
2 2 Outline End user language for FDF descriptions Properties file reification Joram domain declaration Launch an administration browser For the PEtALS server For JBI components Perspectives Write software personnalities with the FDF language Communication of heterogeneous technologies
3 3 FDF language petals-geants = PEtALS.SERVER { archive = PEtALS.ARCHIVE(Archive_Path); home = PEtALS.HOME(Home_Path); java = Hosts/geants/software/java; host = Hosts/geants; }
4 4 Properties file reification petals-penhors = PEtALS.SERVER { archive = PEtALS.ARCHIVE(…); home = PEtALS.HOME(…); java = Hosts/penhors/software/java; host = Hosts/penhors; properties { http-port = HTTP.PORT(7700); jmx-user = JMX.USER(''); jmx-password = JMX.PASSWORD(''); jmx-port = JMX.PORT(8081); joram-domain = JORAM.DOMAIN(JOnES); joram-id = JORAM.ID(0); joram-user = JORAM.USER(petals); joram-domainport = JORAM.DOMAINPORT(7740); joram-tcpport = JORAM.TCPPORT(7760); joram-password = JORAM.PASSWORD(petals); }
5 5 Properties file template … # # JMX properties # html.port=#[http-port] jmx.port=#[jmx-port] jmx.user=#[jmx-user] jmx.pwd=#[jmx-password] # # JORAM properties # joram.id = #[joram-id] joram.domainport = #[joram-domainport] joram.tcpport = #[joram-tcpport] joram.user = #[joram-user] …
6 6 Domain declaration domain = PetalsDomain(JOnES) { petals-penhors = /PEtALS-Servers; petals-singha = /PEtALS-Servers; petals-primus = /PEtALS-Servers; } Parameters can be optional: Default values are provided A global domain can be defined in one way
7 7 Launch an administration browser Install Start Manage Stop Uninstall
8 8 Launch an administration browser Install Start Manage Stop Uninstall
9 9 Distributed deployment JORAM JBI JORAM JBI Common domain
10 Perspectives JORAM JBI JORAM EJB Common domain Communication of heterogeneous technologies Write software personnalities with the FDF language
11 Thank you Any questions ? FDF available at: