Teenagers` reading habits
I conducted a survey According to my survey, most of pupils often read I conducted a survey According to my survey, most of pupils often read. How did I conduct a survey? I asked 6 questions to 8 people (5 boys and 3 girls). Questions 1. When and where do you read? 2. What do you read? 3.What`s your favourite book or story? 4. Who is your favorite poet or writer in Russia? 5. Who is you favourite poet or writer in Europe or America? 6. Do you do anything else at your free time?
The diagram of answers on the first question
According to this diagram, most of people like to read at weekends, when there are no classes.
The diagram of answers on the second question
According to this diagram, boys` interests are different, but girls` interests are the same
The diagram of answers on the third question
According to this diagram, someone`s favorite books are different.
The diagram of answers on the fourth question
According to this diagram, the most popular poets or writers are liked by many people
The diagram of answers on the fifth question
According to this diagram, some foreign authors are favourite in Russia.
The diagram of answers on the sixth question
According to this diagram, most of pupils do anything else besides reading and studying.
Thahk you for attention! Made by Sivolodskiy Andrey