Word Choice...Author’s Craft… Brush Strokes... Left-side: 1. Brainstorm a list of absolutes...Then, describe the video using two absolutes either at the beginning or ending of your sentence. Left-side Title Absolutes
Word Choice...Author’s Craft… Brush Strokes... Left-side: 2. Brainstorm a list of absolutes...Then, describe the video using two absolutes either at the beginning or ending of your sentence. Absolutes
Word Choice...Author’s Craft… Brush Strokes... Left-side: 3. Brainstorm a list of absolutes...Then, describe the video using two absolutes either at the beginning or ending of your sentence. Absolutes
Word Choice...Author’s Craft… Brush Strokes... Left-side: 4. Brainstorm a list of absolutes...Then, describe the video using two absolutes either at the beginning or ending of your sentence. Absolutes
Word Choice...Author’s Craft… Brush Strokes... Absolutes Word Choice...Author’s Craft… Brush Strokes... Quiz - Absolutes Directions: Watch the video clip. Answer the following questions using complete sentences. This is an open-note quiz! Create a sentence by describing the video using two absolutes. What is an absolute? How many absolutes should a sentence contain and where should the absolutes be placed in a sentence? Give two reasons why you should use absolutes in your writing. Note: Check your sentences carefully. Did you capitalize, punctuate, and write complete sentences? Name: Period: ____