(( القلقلة )) ض الصفير As-Safeer Qalqalah اللين و - ي Leen الاستطالة Buzzz… Whistling sound- It is a sound similar to that of a bird or bee which can be describes as either buzzing or whistling ص - ز - س (( القلقلة )) Qalqalah Bouncing/echoing sound- To pronounce with an echoing or bouncing sound hen the letter carries a sukoon only - ق ط ب - ج - د اللين Leen Softness/easiness- When و / يcarry a sukoon with a fatha before it the manner of articulation is one that seeks an easy pronunciation و - ي الاستطالة Istitaalah The Lengthening/elongated- To pronounce this letter in a long elongated manner meaning, the extension of the sound covers the entire sound of the tongue. ض
ش ر ل - ر التفشي Tafshee التكرار Takreer الانحراف Inhiraaf Spreading- The spreading of sound when pronouncing ش ش التكرار Takreer Repeated sound- When ر is being pronounced correctly from its makhraj, naturally the tongue makes a slight vibration producing a repeated sound. Care must be taken to avoid exaggeration of this vibration. ر الانحراف Inhiraaf Inclined/Drifing Sound- The leaning of the tongue away from its makhraj until it nears another makhraj ل - ر