Masers from the Early Universe Evgeniya Kravchenko, PRAO, Russia Paul Coster, Swinburne, Australia Sabrina Milia, Uni. Cagliari, Italy Mahadevappa S. R. T. M. Uni, India
Maser Introduction Microwave Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. Absorb energy and produce a narrow frequency emission. Electrons are pumped to a higher state and are triggered to return to their lower energy state by radiation of a specific frequency.
Water Maser Transition
Kinds of Maser Jet Maser Disk Maser Single Broader emission feature in spectrum Disk Maser Multiple narrower emission feature. Evidence of Rotation via doppler shifting in spectral lines
Object Introduction MG0414+0534 Redshift 2.64 Radio Loud Quasar Type 2
Observations Arecibo 300m antenna C-high reciever, 6.1 GHz Wideband Arecibo Pulsar Processor 100 MHz bandwidth VLA 0433+053 calibrator 2.6 hours on target 0.4 hours on the reference source 2 polarizations rms noise 0.3 mJy/channel 2048 channel per polarization Velocity resolution 2.4 km/s
Calibration and data reduction IDLDE pocket Initial data Removing baseline
Summarizing over 2 polarizations Rebinning from 2048 to 205 channels
2048 1024
2048 1024 512
2048 1024 512 256
2048 RMS noise 256
Lensing contrubutiuon Gravitational lensing improved the brightness of the the object 35 times. Considering the low brightness with the lensing effect, the Maser would be effectively unobservable without the presence of the foreground lensing galaxy.
Knowledge of the Maser Water vapor maser Most distant Maser ever detected (prev. 0.66) Parameter Effelsberg EVLA Arecibo Units Velocity -299+-3 -296+-9 279+-8 km s-1 Line Width 40+-12 70+-27 78+-7 Line Peak 2.2+-0.2 1.4+-0.1 0.9+-0.02 mJy Integrated profile 97+-14 121+-20 193+-22 mJy km s-1 Luminosity 300 000 370 000 600 000 Lo Corrected Luminosity 17 000