The journey continues… Cohorts 1-3 The journey continues…
The Cohorts Cohort Pts invited & confirmed Pts assessed & recruited Pts attended Carers attended Failed to continue Main outcome, test of change 1 12 11 10 7 Goal setting 2 8 Concerns checklist 3 6 Recruitment process
What Worked Well Clinics Exercise class engagement, risk assessment, identify concerns, person centred approach, reduced prep for pharmacy, fully explore emotional well being & cognitive function with psychologist & refer on if required Exercise class evidence of improvement over 5 weeks Goal setting education & weekly feedback on goals Peer support, staff involvement
What Worked Well Education/facilitated discussions after class Cohort 2 increased peer support via these sessions Concerns checklist Embraces person centred care Shapes content of week 5 (easier with small numbers) Ensures ownership of tasks within team GP letters post programme Highlights outstanding pharmacy issues HADS & MOCA results Physio outcomes, referrals
What Worked Well Volunteers Team work Improvement Advisor Excellent in cohort 1 for initial ice breaking, encouragement during class Real value in patient AND carer volunteers in cohort 2 Added value to education/facilitated discussion sessions Fed into weekly feedback with great points Team work Communication, what’s app! Improvement Advisor Model for improvement threaded through all cohorts
What We Noticed/Learned Psychology Importance of split session with patients & carers 1:1 beneficial when numbers allow Increasing reports of earlier input required Physiotherapy Education on fatigue management useful but needed earlier Cohort 2 younger & fitter – would’ve benefited earlier in recovery Be flexible, every cohort is different Twitter Platform to reach wider audience Promote Inspire within organisation
How Did It Feel More relaxed environment to spend ‘quality’ time with patients Team are feeling more confident in process, expectations, individual roles Cohort 3 pro’s and con’s Less group discussion, less peer support Far more 1:1 individualised input Felt apprehensive at times
How Did It Feel 3 month reviews are great! Confirm you have had an impact Evidence of improvement in outcome measures Peer support lovely to see Real sense of achievement from everyone (staff, patients, carers)
What We Plan To Test Next Concerns checklist on a bigger scale Add distress thermometer Trial different venue ?community Pros & cons Recruitment process Investigate reasons for FTA Text reminder for clinic
What We Need Help With Pharmacy Ideas around recruitment process Bridging gap between ICU and InS:PIRE ?resources ?telephone calls, point of contact pre InS:PIRE ?structured ward visits pre d/c home Pharmacy Development of medicines reconciliation form
What We Could Help With Spread of concerns checklist Goal setting, self management Happy to welcome other sites to Ayrshire Happy to visit other sites for support