Love Your Heart T alks West Virginia Women Go Red for Heart Health Model Talk
alks Love Your Heart T Welcome Thank you for coming today to learn how to Love Your Heart. This is a joint project of the West Virginia University Extension Service and the American Heart Association. Lets introduce ourselves. Tell us your name and why you came.
alks Love Your Heart T WV Women Go Red: Project Overview Created in Wood County for W.Va. women Personal heart health information Woman-to-woman learning experience
alks Love Your Heart T What to Expect from Todays Talk Complete a short survey before and after Learn about heart disease and women Hear womens stories about their experiences Talk about how to help ourselves and our families Pledge to Love Your Heart
alks Love Your Heart T The First Survey Please take a minute and fill out the short survey.
alks Love Your Heart T Why is heart health important to women in West Virginia? Heart disease kills more women than all other causes combined (2.4 out of 5 deaths) Stroke is the #3 killer in West Virginia and the U.S. Women may not know they can prevent heart problems
alks Love Your Heart T Why learn about heart disease in women? Less than 15% of women surveyed thought of heart disease as the #1 threat to their own health. Women may connect heart disease with men or the elderly, not with themselves.
alks Love Your Heart T What is important to you? Think about your life. What would you hate to miss? Do you want to learn ways to better care for yourself and your family? Today, we will share information that can change your life and maybe even save it.
alks Love Your Heart T The Heart of the Mountains video Lets learn about heart disease from West Virginia women. The Heart of the Mountains video was created about West Virginia women for West Virginia women like you. Lets hear their stories….
alks Love Your Heart T Lets Talk About the Video What new information did you learn? Did anything surprise you? Did you see anyone you know or who reminds you of someone you know? What changes did they make in their lives to adjust to heart disease? What advice did they have for us as West Virginia women?
alks Love Your Heart T What Do You Need to Know to Protect Yourself and Your Family? Lets look at our handouts to learn more about… Your risk factors (some controllable, some not) Ways to lower your risks Signs and symptoms Know your numbers Where to get help and more information
alks Love Your Heart T What can women do? Learn ways to protect ourselves and our families Live a heart healthy life by: buying and eating healthier foods adding more physical activity to our routines knowing your numbers talking to your healthcare provider to lower risk Share this knowledge with other women. Encourage them to love your heart
alks Love Your Heart T Can You Help Us Spread the Word? Who do you know who needs these health messages? Think of other places to share this message. What places can you think of? Would you be willing to talk to your friends, neighbors, co-workers, church members or civic group?
alks Love Your Heart T The Heart Pledge Please join me in the American Heart Associations Go Red Pledge.
alks Love Your Heart T Pledge… Place your hand over your heart Breathe deeply Think about your heartbeat and what your heart means Repeat after me: I promise to be heart healthy by...
alks Love Your Heart T Pledge… Visiting my healthcare provider to learn how to make heart-healthy habits part of my daily life. Knowing my numbers by tracking blood pressure, cholesterol, glucose, and weight to keep them in a healthy range.
alks Love Your Heart T Pledge Incorporating physical activity into my daily routine. Adding more color to my plate by eating more fruits and vegetables daily. With this promise I will become a part of the Go Red for Women movement and join the right against heart disease.
alks Love Your Heart T Learn More About Your Heart Talk with your healthcare provider. Ask about your risk factors and ways to lower risks. Take a Go Red Heart Checkup on the website Other good resources are: American Heart Association or Your WVU County Extension Office West Virginia CARDIAC Project WVU Center of Excellence in Womens Health
alks Love Your Heart T What do you think of the Love Your Heart Talk? Please take a moment to fill out the survey. It helps us make this a meaningful experience for other women like you.
alks Love Your Heart T The End Thank you for coming today. Thanks to ___________ for providing our meeting space. Drive safely, wear your seatbelts, and Love Your Heart!