RECAP OF OUR LAST STUDY From our last study, entitled “Samuel reproves Israel”, we learnt that we should realise that self-will attracts divine displeasure. We should obtain and maintain a pure conscience void of offence before God and man and lead lives that reprove and dispel the darkness of sin and evil. Believers should show wholehearted gratitude and appreciation to God for his goodness. We must abide in Him to enjoy divine preservation. Leaders’ intercession brings God’s presence and power upon the church.
TODAY’S STUDY: LESSON 730: SAUL DISOBEYS THE LORD MEMORY VERSE: …… “And Samuel said to Saul, Thou hast done foolishly: thou hast not kept the commandment of the Lord thy God, which he commanded thee: for now would the Lord have established thy kingdom upon Israel for ever” (1 Samuel 13:13). TEXT: 1 Samuel 13:1-23
INTRODUCTION The Lord commanded Saul to wait in Gilgal for Samuel, who would offer sacrifices and provide instruction. God tested Saul’s obedience through Samuel’s delay. Saul failed by yielding to pressure. He went ahead to offer a sacrifice contrary to God’s word. His disobedience attracted God’s displeasure: he lost the throne and brought defeat to the nation. He who would serve the Lord acceptably must keep His word no matter the pressure to do otherwise. QUESTION 1: Mention the danger of disobeying God – 1 Samuel 12:15; 13:13-14; Ephesians 5:6
SAUL’S DISOBEDIENCE 1 Samuel 13:1-12; 10:8; 12:14,15 Jonathan’s attack of the garrison of the Philistines provoked them to battle. The army of Israel proved inferior to that of the Philistines: they were not as equipped and organised. Moreover, Israel soon realised that even Saul was no match to the Philistines: they needed divine intervention. Some of them even deserted their king in fear. We should not put our confidence in man: we must wait on God. Samuel’s delay was a test for Saul. Presumption, self-will and pride led him into disobedience. We must learn to wait for God even when there is apparent delay in the fulfilment of His promises.
SAUL’S DISOBEDIENCE 1 Samuel 13:1-12; 10:8; 12:14,15 QUESTION 2: Why is it wrong to place our trust in man or human institution? – Jer 17:5,6; Isaiah 31:1 QUESTION 3: What lessons can we learn from Saul’s disobedience? – Habakkuk 2:3; Hebrews 2:1-3
GOD’S SENTENCE ON SAUL’S DISOBEDIENCE 1 Samuel 13:13-15; 15:22-29 Samuel rebuked Saul for his disobedience. His sacrifice could not be a substitute to obedience. Yet he did not repent; he justified his disobedience on Samuel’s delay. He was consequently rejected as King. We cannot cover disobedience with excuses or blame-shifting: genuine repentance is the only way to avert God’s judgement. Saul continued on the throne but his divine appointment was already withdrawn. To continue to serve, we must continue to obey! QUESTION 4: Point out one major difference between Saul and David in matters of transgression – 1 Sam. 13:13-14; 2 Sam. 12:13
ISRAEL’S OPPRESSION BY THE PHILISTINES 1 Samuel 13:2-7; 16-23; 7:13,14 Saul was not courageous to confront the enemy after being rebuked by Samuel. The nation’s military condition deteriorated under Saul, unlike when God, through Samuel, was in full control. Under Saul, the nation was disarmed and rendered greatly dependent upon their enemies. They must have realized that God’s presence was needed and not the influence of a king. Like the Philistines, Satan will try to defeat the believers by preventing them from using the weapon of their warfare against the wiles of the devil. QUESTION 5: What is the condition to please God? – 1 Sam 15:22
CONCLUSION Man’s choice has its limitations. We should not depend on any man no matter how powerful: there will always be an enemy that overpowers such a man. Trust in God. Obedience is the key to walking with God and working for Him. No matter the pressure, we must keep our eyes on God’s word and strive daily to keep and preserve it. Moreover, a child of God should tremble at God’s rebuke, repent when corrected and do his duty. Excusing our disobedience or passing blames will never justify anyone.