This publication was supported by Federal Library Services and Technology Act funds, awarded to the New York State Library by the Federal Institute of Museum and Library Services. Designing Research Projects Students (and Teachers) Love By Doug Johnson
This publication was supported by Federal Library Services and Technology Act funds, awarded to the New York State Library by the Federal Institute of Museum and Library Services. Doing Assignments that Matter Motivational Research Projects: have clarity of purpose and expectations give students choices Are relevant to the students life Stress higher-level thinking skills and creativity Answer REAL questions
This publication was supported by Federal Library Services and Technology Act funds, awarded to the New York State Library by the Federal Institute of Museum and Library Services. Give Activities that Involve the Student Motivational research projects: Involve a variety of information finding activities Tends to be hands-on Can be exciting Uses formats that employ multiple senses Are often complex but can be broken down Collaboration results in better products than individual work
This publication was supported by Federal Library Services and Technology Act funds, awarded to the New York State Library by the Federal Institute of Museum and Library Services. Assessments that help Have results that are shared with people who care and respond Involve learning assessed by an authentic tool more meaningful than a test Involve samples, examples and models of quality work Allow learner to reflect, revisit, revise and improve