Hows Your LOVE Life? (Based on « The Relationship Principles of Jesus » by Tom Holladay) John 13:34 & 35
Hows Your LOVE Life? Love God deals with our relationship with God. Love your neighbour deals with our relationships with all those we come across in our own personal life journey. Love one another deals with our relationships with other believers.
Hows Your LOVE Life? The key phrase tucked carefully between the three love one anothers is as I have loved you. Jesus knew that the enabling power of God was the only answer to equip us to love in such a way. We must actively trust God with our whole heart, soul, mind, and strength. __________, __________ and ______________.
Hows Your LOVE Life? We need to know the difference between loving with emotion and loving with action. Jesus wants us to get into the habit of doing it His way, simply because it is right. No matter what your feelings say, dont give up.
Hows Your LOVE Life? Dont give up on prayer, trusting in Gods promises, or loving others as Jesus showed us how. Its a lifetime experience. To love as Jesus loved you need to allow the Holy Spirit to reign in every aspect of your life……..heart, soul, mind, and strength. You need to begin to act with genuine concern for others.
Hows Your LOVE Life? We have to purposefully inject love into the everyday habits of life. We are to have the attitude of I know I cant on my own, but I also know God can through me. Jesus realized the importance of emotions and openly expressed His.
Hows Your LOVE Life? He used His emotions as an open door to love others. If we have a relationship going in the wrong direction, we need to give it priority right away, before it becomes destructive. Whats on the inside matters because our hearts have a way of leaking.
Hows Your LOVE Life? If you recognize unforgiveness, bitterness, lust, uncontrolled anger, self-pity, or any other wrong feelings, take them seriously and act radically. If necessary change the circumstances that are causing the wrong feelings.
Hows Your LOVE Life? Four ways to follow Jesus example of how to love others: 1) We are to choose fellowship. 1 John 1:7 2) We are to choose to forgive. Ephesians 4:32
Hows Your LOVE Life? Forgiveness doesnt mean you dont remember. Forgiveness means you let go of anger, bitterness, and revenge. After forgiveness, it takes time to rebuild trust. 3) We are to choose to accept. Romans 15:7 4) We are to choose to sacrifice. 1 John 3:16
Hows Your LOVE Life? 1 Corinthians 13 shows us how to love sacrificially. – Be patient. – Be kind. – Dont be proud. – Dont be selfish. – Dont give up.
Hows Your LOVE Life? The Lord will be there to provide help and His empowering.