Galatians: Historical Context. Establishment of the Church (Acts 13:13-14:28) Introduction to the heresy (Acts 15) The Jewish leaders' response: Jealousy.


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Presentation transcript:

Galatians: Historical Context

Establishment of the Church (Acts 13:13-14:28) Introduction to the heresy (Acts 15) The Jewish leaders' response: Jealousy. (Acts 13:45,50; 14:2,5,19) The technique: Start in the synagogues and prove from the scripture that Jesus is the Christ. (Acts 13:14-41; 14:1) Divine work: Growth. (Acts 14:21,27)

Overview of Galatians Key theme: Salvation through faith in Christ, not through the law. Arguments: Reestablishment of Paul's message: Importance of correct Gospel (1:8-9) Authenticity of Paul's apostleship (1:12) (cf. 1 Cor 15:8) Consistency of Paul's message (1:16b-17, 2:11-14) Affirmation of Paul's message by the other apostles (1:18-2:10) Destruction of Judaiser's arguments (2:15-21) (cf. Hos 6:6) Explanation of law and faith (ch 3-4) Living as free people (ch 5-6)

Love Love is more than words Etymology Hebrew: Only one word Greek: Three words (actually five, but only three in NT) English: One word Don't get too hung up on words.

Love Love is more than feelings Biblical love = emotion + action Without action: Becomes warm fuzzies. Condemned by James (James 2) Good because it shows we're still human. Without emotion: Becomes dutiful. Bad because it removes joy (FoS #2) Good because good action is still good action. Result of godly love = joy, peace, patience... Love comes first (1 Cor 13)

Love Love is a command Love to other believers (Jn 13:34-35; Ro 12; Ja 1:22-27; Ja 2; 1 Jn 2; 1 Jn 3:11-24; 2 Jn1:5-6) Love to enemies (Mt 5:38-48; Ro 12) Love to everyone (Lev 19) Love to God (Dt 6:5, Mt 22:36-40)

Love Love is humble, not selfish How is Christian love different? Normal human love Evoked by: Pre-existing relationship (family) Mutual experience (friend) Perceived beauty of body or character (lover) God's love for humans Evoked by: God's character as a loving being God's choice to bestow love on humans Not because of our own goodness Christian love for others Evoked by: Perception of human worth as a result of God's love Realisation that we are all equal before God (Lev 19:18) (Easier when feelings mutual, but not necessary (Mt 5:39) )

Questions God loves... Does he hate? (Malachi 1) How is love different to tolerance? How can a loving God judge sinners? If we subscribed to the judaiser's teaching of submission to the law, how would our understanding and practice of love be different? (Towards God, believers, other people, and our enemies). If we were slaves to sin, how would our understanding and practice of love be different? (Towards God, believers, other people, and our enemies).