P.S. I Love Math By Arithme Tic
What is problem solving? Problem solving is using math to solve a problem you have.
My Problem Jeanette collects seashells. On vacation, she collects 6 shells on Monday and 4 on Tuesday. How many shells does she collect in all?
Step 1 Create a mental picture. (Draw a picture.) Monday Tuesday
Step 2 List the facts and the questions. (What do you know?) 6 shells on Monday 4 shells on Tuesday How many shells in all?
Step 3 Choose and outline the plan. (Look at the picture you drew and decide if you should +, -, x, or /.) 6+4= 6-4= 6x6= 6/6=
Step 4 Work the plan. Try what you decided. If it doesnt work try another way. 6-4=2 6+4=10
Step 5 Test that the solution is reasonable. Make sure the answer makes sense. 10 shells makes sense
Comprehension Questions What is problem solving? What is the first step? What is the second step? What is the third step? What is the fourth step? What is the final step?
Works Cited California State Standards Standards that support my unit of study. Sadlier-Oxford oxford.com/math/problemsolving/psgr3/prob_solv_st_gr3.htm Our text book on-line. Clipart Digital%20Drawings%20GIF/Stati... Man juggling numbers.