Describing character:
Physical Characteristics build, facial features, posture, gestures, figure, etc.
Emotional Characteristics introvert, extrovert, dominant, submissive, moody, impulsive, strong-willed, fun-loving, serious, depressed, angry, etc.
Interests and activities money, politics, social welfare, religion, sports, hobbies, business, occupation, music, art, clubs, etc
Speech light, heavy, accented, loud, soft, raspy, smooth, fast, slow, high, low, etc.
Background of the character financial, educational, social class, family, occupational
Reaction to Hardship and Stress escape, anger, fear, panic, stoic, rational, etc.
Ideas and Opinions What does the character believe? What does he/she value?
Methods of Characterization:
Direct Indirect the author describes the character. through what other characters say through what the character says, does and thinks through description of associated items, people and ideas