Practical People With an Impractical Love Presentation Based on Smyth & Helwys Formations at Copyrighted 2013
Practical People With an Impractical Love John 12:1-8 Presentation Based on Smyth & Helwys Formations at Copyrighted 2013
Practical People With an Impractical Love What is Jesus Worth to Me? Presentation Based on Smyth & Helwys Formations at Copyrighted 2013
Practical People With an Impractical Love Have you ever had dinner at the Washington [DC] Golf and Country Club? What extravagance! It is like the extravagance of Mary washing Jesus feet. Presentation Based on Smyth & Helwys Formations at Copyrighted 2013
Practical People With an Impractical Love All four Gospel writers use a story of Jesus anointing to show the extravagant love and devotion one person had for Jesus. Presentation Based on Smyth & Helwys Formations at Copyrighted 2013
Practical People With an Impractical Love John 12:1-8 John 12:1-8 Matthew 26:6-13 Matthew 26:6-13 Mark 14:1-9 Mark 14:1-9 Luke 7:36-50 Luke 7:36-50 How are these similar and different? Presentation Based on Smyth & Helwys Formations at Copyrighted 2013
Practical People With an Impractical Love Lazarus, Mary, and Martha were brother and sisters. Jesus had recently raised Lazarus from the dead. Was this a celebration meal? Presentation Based on Smyth & Helwys Formations at Copyrighted 2013
Practical People With an Impractical Love In this passage, Mary willingly takes on the role of the servant and anoints Jesus feet with expensive perfume when simple water would have sufficed. Presentation Based on Smyth & Helwys Formations at Copyrighted 2013
Practical People With an Impractical Love Presentation Based on Smyth & Helwys Formations at Copyrighted 2013
Practical People With an Impractical Love Mary brings out a pound of expensive perfume made from nard. Nards heavy, oily balm was used as cologne, incense, and as an embalming fragrance. Presentation Based on Smyth & Helwys Formations at Copyrighted 2013
Practical People With an Impractical Love Mary uses the nard to anoint Jesus feet. She does more than the typical cleaning of feet. She anoints them with expensive perfume. Presentation Based on Smyth & Helwys Formations at Copyrighted 2013
Practical People With an Impractical Love Mary wipes Jesus feet clean with her hair. Mary, however, transformed what was socially unacceptable into an act of worship Presentation Based on Smyth & Helwys Formations at Copyrighted 2013
Practical People With an Impractical Love Marys gift seems foolish to those who do not love Jesus as much as she does. Presentation Based on Smyth & Helwys Formations at Copyrighted 2013
Practical People With an Impractical Love The perfume was worth 300 days wages. The cost was at least $15,000 in todays economy, and perhaps much more. Presentation Based on Smyth & Helwys Formations at Copyrighted 2013
Practical People With an Impractical Love A Question for Dialogue Why did Mary act in such a bold manner? Presentation Based on Smyth & Helwys Formations at Copyrighted 2013
Practical People With an Impractical Love A Question for Dialogue What is the biggest risk you have ever taken because you love God? Presentation Based on Smyth & Helwys Formations at Copyrighted 2013
Practical People With an Impractical Love Judas apparently considered Marys display of devotion as nothing more than a waste of valuable resources. Presentation Based on Smyth & Helwys Formations at Copyrighted 2013
Practical People With an Impractical Love A Question to Ponder When has another persons expression of love for Jesus made you uncomfortable? How did you respond? Presentation Based on Smyth & Helwys Formations at Copyrighted 2013
Practical People With an Impractical Love A Question to Ponder How long has it been since you did something impractical because you believe in God? Presentation Based on Smyth & Helwys Formations at Copyrighted 2013
Practical People With an Impractical Love A Question to Ponder When was the last time you did anything foolish for love? Presentation Based on Smyth & Helwys Formations at Copyrighted 2013
Practical People With an Impractical Love At the conclusion of this passage, Jesus makes two statements that require some reflection. Presentation Based on Smyth & Helwys Formations at Copyrighted 2013
Practical People With an Impractical Love First Mary brought the expensive perfume so that she might keep it for the day of my burial [v. 7]. Presentation Based on Smyth & Helwys Formations at Copyrighted 2013
Practical People With an Impractical Love Second You always have the poor with you, but you do not always have me [v. 8]. Presentation Based on Smyth & Helwys Formations at Copyrighted 2013
Practical People With an Impractical Love When Mary anointed Jesus at Bethany she must have understood the risk involved. Presentation Based on Smyth & Helwys Formations at Copyrighted 2013
Practical People With an Impractical Love Mary anointed Jesus because she somehow understood his death was near. Presentation Based on Smyth & Helwys Formations at Copyrighted 2013
Practical People With an Impractical Love The real beauty of Marys act, as shocking and as scandalous as it seemed for everyone else in the room, was her readiness to give all. Presentation Based on Smyth & Helwys Formations at Copyrighted 2013
Practical People With an Impractical Love Ultimately, Mary lost nothing by giving all she had. She gained the appreciation and approval of Jesus. Presentation Based on Smyth & Helwys Formations at Copyrighted 2013
Practical People With an Impractical Love It is those who hold on to their means, lives, resources, and talents who end up losing in the end. Presentation Based on Smyth & Helwys Formations at Copyrighted 2013
Practical People With an Impractical Love God calls us to love impractically. Jesus said that the Christian faith is a great impractical party. Presentation Based on Smyth & Helwys Formations at Copyrighted 2013
Practical People With an Impractical Love Common sense says, Throw parties on birthday. An extravagant faith throws parties for no reason at all. Presentation Based on Smyth & Helwys Formations at Copyrighted 2013
Practical People With an Impractical Love Common sense says, Love your friends, the ones who will love you back. Faith loves enemies, no matter what. Presentation Based on Smyth & Helwys Formations at Copyrighted 2013
Practical People With an Impractical Love Common sense says, Be kind to those who can help you. Faith cares for the least. Presentation Based on Smyth & Helwys Formations at Copyrighted 2013
Practical People With an Impractical Love Common sense says, Love until you can say Ive done enough. An extravagant faith knows you can never love too much. Presentation Based on Smyth & Helwys Formations at Copyrighted 2013
Practical People With an Impractical Love God wants to save us from second-rate, mediocre, routine Christianity. Presentation Based on Smyth & Helwys Formations at Copyrighted 2013
Practical People With an Impractical Love God calls us to maintain some level of unreasonable, head- over-heels, fall-down-at-his- feet devotion to Christ. Presentation Based on Smyth & Helwys Formations at Copyrighted 2013
Practical People With an Impractical Love God leads us beyond cautious, routine, carefully measured faith to extravagant, if sometimes frightening, possibilities. Presentation Based on Smyth & Helwys Formations at Copyrighted 2013
Things to Consider as You Apply This Lesson John 12:1-8 Presentation Based on Smyth & Helwys Formations at Copyrighted 2013
Things to Consider as You Apply This Lesson Not everyone will applaud a sacrifice made in the name of, or for the love of, Christ. Presentation Based on Smyth & Helwys Formations at Copyrighted 2013
Things to Consider as You Apply This Lesson Ones actions may not always seem proper or socially acceptable, but ones motivation is much more important. Presentation Based on Smyth & Helwys Formations at Copyrighted 2013
Things to Consider as You Apply This Lesson We can choose to live in one of two ways: either to give or to get Presentation Based on Smyth & Helwys Formations at Copyrighted 2013
Things to Consider as You Apply This Lesson We will only have so many opportunities to live sacrificially and give our all. Presentation Based on Smyth & Helwys Formations at Copyrighted 2013
Things to Consider as You Apply This Lesson When someone gives all, Jesus does not react as others do. He has impractical love. Go be people of impractical love! Presentation Based on Smyth & Helwys Formations at Copyrighted 2013
Practical People With an Impractical Love John 12:1-8 Presentation Based on Smyth & Helwys Formations at Copyrighted 2013
Prepared by George Bullard This presentation was prepared by George Bullard of Columbia, SC. Presentation Based on Smyth & Helwys Formations at Copyrighted 2013