EQ: What happened with the Russian Revolution during WW1?


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Presentation transcript:

EQ: What happened with the Russian Revolution during WW1?

Russian Revolution

World War I Allied Power Military led by Nicholas II Romantic ideas about war Government during the war Ruled by Alexandra, wife of Nicholas II Influence of Rasputin Grigori Rasputin -mystical healer/advisor People distrust Alexis-heir to throne

Tsar Nicholas II Romanov 1916 lost popular favor of the people Food and Fuel shortages Strikes/Protest “Down with the czar!” Troops ordered to crush rebellions

Chaos March 15th, 1916 Nicholas II Abdicated Provisional Government Choose new form of government Constituent assembly – permanent

Provisional Government 2 parties Duma middle class Petrograd Soviets Immediate peace Land to peasants Worker controlled factories

Power vacuum 1917 Bolsheviks Leader Coup de’tat against provisional government 1917 Bolsheviks Leader Vladimire Lenin Wanted Russian revolution to spread world wide Political struggle and Economic downfall

Bolsheviks Absolute power Ended private ownership of property Distributed land among peasants Workers control factories Self proclaimed Communists

Military Chaos Eastern Front New Government -Troop rebellion Germans march on Russia Russian Exist 1918 March 3rd Treaty of Brest-Liovsk surrendering the Ukraine, Finland, the Baltic provinces, the Caucasus and Poland.

Civil War Communists v. Political opponents Reds 1918 Imprisoned and murdered Czar Family Communists v. Political opponents Red v. Whites Reds Secret Police Arrest anyone considered “enemy of the revolution” Anti Religion

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