Discipline Classroom Management Teaching Introducing Love & Logic & Classroom Techniques that Teach Responsiblity Discipline Classroom Management Teaching
Why “Love & Logic” Had to pick one of the sectionals Someone I know uses it and want to criticize them without sounding ignorant Other discipline methods not working as well you’d like
Good Discipline Requires? Behavior-specific rules and pre-determined consequences Warn students first Give consequences immediately Respect! – students don’t have to like their teachers, but must respect them According the to the “Love & Logic” approach all of these mistaken. How? Why? Rules, consequences: Specific rules, detailed discipline plans and especially pre-ordained consequences often cause more problems than they solve. Kids test, they look for loopholes It’s work some kids are eager to do the minute you go over those rules. Before you give the first assignment of the year they’re -Problem-solving: hands & feet to yourself: then you’re hearing: “I didn’t TOUCH him with my hands OR feet; not fair!” -Using the scientific method: In theory, he’ll make me stay in for recess if I goof-off, but how can I find out for sure. Someone I heard put it this way: you put up that list of rules and consequences, and you get a bunch of kids going shopping: if I blurt out a real good zinger in the middle of class, I’ll lose 1 recess, but I’ll get a good laugh & the guys will think it’s pretty cool. Not a bad deal: I’ll take it! Warning: This goes with the last one: just lets students know how times they can cause a problem before they need take your expectations seriously. Especially the systems like I used to use with the check marks or the cards: every kids that is willing gets two chances every day . . . Do the math; plus that’s a lot of practice causing problems. Immediate: The message of L&L approach on this is that you don’t have to give a consequence immediately, and that often it’s far better not to wait. More on why and how you would do that later. Respect, not like: (of course want respect) but you absolutely want the kids to like you. Asking them to do lots of things they have no desire to do, or may not see the value of for 10, 20 years. But if they like you, they just might do it for you. That’s the love part of “love and logic.” Components of the approach are just to build the relationship with the students.
Just an introduction — a sense of the approach The work of Jim Fay, David Funk, Charles Fay Corwin Kronenberg L&L, William Glasser, Stephen Covey Not selling anything Not training
Our Experience with “Love and Logic” at SCS Jen will talk Jay: mention Kronenburg
Foundation People learn from their own choices Offer choices (within limits) Be nice. Apply consequences. Check back in the morning Enforceability Learn from … choices — the statement speaks for itself. It applies to students as well. But sometimes teachers’ instincts are to do the thinking and the work — or even moralizing — for students when it comes to behavior. Often the student doesn’t learn their lesson, regard it skeptically, or just rebel. L&L uses this notion to allow the problems students face in school, the consequences, and the solutions to be meaningful and effective. Choices. L&L is based on the idea that human need to feel in control, have a share of the power. In this approach the teacher gives some control – some choices — to students on her or his terms, knowing that if she doesn’t the student will take control on his/her terms. More on this later. Empathy/Kindness: For the L&L approach to work, consequences must be given not with derision, lecturing, anger . . . but with empathy or at least calm kindness. Let the consequences teach the lesson. Want the student to be upset about his poor choice, not about you and how your treating him. Your on his side. Sense of calm, safety – prevent fight or flight response. Faye et al: empathy! Most successful with simple phrase, “That’s sad.” “Oh no” Enforceable: The simple idea that you can avoid giving away your power by giving students behavior choice you can control. Don’t tell a kid what to do; tell her what you will do. Situations will arise where you’ll tell a kid what to do and she will delight in pointing the ultimate truth “You can’t make me.” (Kronenberg) Yelling at a student who talked back, insulted: “You can’t talk to me that way.” What’s wrong with that? “HE JUST DID.” “You come back here … don’t you walk away from me.” I will listen to students who raise hands and are called on. I’ll let you go to recess when your quiet and ready. If you don’t cause problems, I’ll let you stay in class. I grade papers with names on them. I give papers I receive on time full credit.
Christian? Biblical? Colossians 3:21 Parents, do not embitter your children, or they will become discouraged. (NIV) Proverbs 15:1 A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger. (NIV) Jen? -Verse -”Discipline” comes from the Latin disciplina which means “teaching.” That word is derived from discipulus meaning “student.” We get the word “disciple” from discipulus. How did Jesus “discipline” his disciples, other followers & and the people in general? Parables, provocative sayings, He made people think & choose, right?
Christian? Biblical? Colossians 3:21 Parents, don't come down too hard on your children or you'll crush their spirits. The Message © Eugene H. Peterson Proverbs 15:1 A gentle response defuses anger, but a sharp tongue kindles a temper-fire. The Message © Eugene H. Peterson Discipline / Disciple (disciplina = teaching — discipulus = student) How did Jesus “discipline” his followers? Jen? -Verse -”Discipline” comes from the Latin disciplina which means “teaching.” That word is derived from discipulus meaning “student.” We get the word “disciple” from discipulus. How did Jesus “discipline” his disciples, other followers & and the people in general? Parables, provocative sayings, He made people think & choose, right?
Argue by Appointment only “Go brain dead”: don’t try to reason with the student Repeat “one liner”—standard response until they get it I bet it feels that way. I know. That may be so, but what did I ask/say? I can talk to you about this at break. (Jay) -Kids arguing can take up a lot of class time, totally distract the class, and cause a lot of frustration. -Simple solution that’s not always in our nature “stop thinking,” -Repeat statement, L&L recommends not getting too creative. Personalize.
I only argue at 10:05 or 3:15 Your choice. Example from a teacher Faye uses.
Delayed Consequences OK or even best to delay consequences How? “I’m going to have to do something about this . . . Later. Try not to worry about it.” Warnings FAIL: Students play the system Jen? For more serious (or emotional) problems How? Highlight bullet points on p9
Recovery Goals Recovery plan: Stages Secure the plan in advance Teacher can teach Other students can learn Recovery plan: Stages Secure the plan in advance Jay
Recovery Stages Move in classroom Another classroom Office “Recovery room” in school Home
Lots of Choices Offer choices throughout your teaching Guidelines: either way you’re deliriously happy Examples Jen? -explain: preemptive choices about classroom mgmt, supplies, assignment – before problems – to avoid power struggles & give a sense of control, ownership -Guidelines: list / highlighted 2, 3, 4, 6 on p 64
Examples of Choices in Classroom Do you want to choose a partner or have teacher do it. Edit your own paper or have a partner do it. Answer questions on paper or out loud. Do the odd problems or the even problems. Play group game or individual game.
Students solve their problems Why? Kids need to learn self-confidence, solve problems, think for themselves But guide them: 5 steps Jen?
Guiding Students to Solve Their Own Problem Love & Logic — STEPS -Calm empathy -Ask, “How are you going to solve your problem?” If needed, offer a list of suggestions (variety, not all good) Each one: “How do you think that will work for you?” Let the child decide to solve or not
Guiding Students to Solve Their Own Problem FIX IT? (Kronenberg) Calm, respectful “Is that behavior above the line or below the line? “Do you want a consequence or do you want to fix it ?” “What’s the consequence?” “I don’t know yet, but it will be related, reasonable & respectful.” Guide them in thinking of the fix it plan: questions Let the student choose to fix it If not, “You choose not to fix the problem, guess what Mr/s _____ is going to have to do now?”
Works for Me Helpful and successful for us Allows more and better teaching Relief to know that I have the mindset and techniques at the ready
Learn More? loveandlogic.com Keeping Kids Above the Line About Corwin Kronenberg www.educationworld.com/a_admin/admin/admin594.shtml Corwin Kronenberg Behavior Management Consultant 952-831-3619 6017 W 96th St Bloomington, MN 55438