Transitioning to the Caep elementary standards Ohio Deans compact for exceptional children Annual conference Dottie Erb, Jessica Mercerhill, Mary Murray, Alicia Mrachko DOTTIE - INTRODUCTION
License conversion timeline History: SB216 and School District Needs Fall 2019 (or sooner if you choose), EPPs begin conversion of curriculum to align to the new standards. Spring 2020 ODE Office of Educator Licensure will offer P-5 as an option for e-signing. Fall 2020 First Semester First-Year students begin under P-5 program requirements, no new students enrolled into early childhood licensure programs. (Programs may start as early as Fall 2019, but no later than fall 2020.) June 30, 2024 Last issuance date for p-3 licenses. Only candidates on teach-out lists submitted that spring will be granted a license after this date. Currently approved Early Childhood licensure programs do not need to go through state review upon conversion. Beginning in Fall 2020, program review submissions for early childhood should be submitted as the P- 5 program. JESSICA - TIMELINE
Reading and responding to the standards Standard Title 1 – Child Development & Learning 2 – Content & Curricular Knowledge 3 – Assessment and Planning 4 – Instruction 5 – Developing as a Professional Standard Statement DOTTIE – UNPACKING THE CAEP STANDARDS Component Statement Supporting Explanation and Rubrics
Standard 2 – Understanding and Applying Conent and Curricular Knowledge for Teaching: Component 2.a: DOTTIE – UNPACKING THE CAEP STANDARDS
Some Identified issues to consider Content Expectations for Elementary Teachers (Standard 2) Foundational knowledge as well as curriculum and instruction – deeper content knowledge than previously expected as well as deeper understanding of digital learning Teachers candidates must have more than a student’s understanding of the content areas for which they are responsible as a teacher. (page 20) Field Experiences – Addressing the PK-5 License Band Program Approval verses National Recognition “Fitting it all in” with dual/blended programs What are the concerns at your institutions? – Additional issues for groups to consider and share. MARY – ISSUES TO CONSIDER
Dual/Blended EC/ECIS & EC/K-12 SPED Consisting of two parts, elements or aspects Related to another by the interchange of particular terms or pairs (line and point) Webster Dictionary MARY – DUAL/BLENDED
Dual/Blended EC/ECIS & EC/K-12 SPED Mixed smoothly and inseparably together: To blend the ingredients in a recipe. Mixed in order to obtain a particular kind or quality: Blend a little red paint with the blue paint. Webster Dictionary MARY – DUAL/BLENDED ALICIA – CAEP-CEC CROSSWALK
Guiding questions for program revision How are the component knowledge and skills (see supporting explanations) introduced and developed in coursework, applied and practiced in increasingly complex field experience activities and settings, and demonstrated and assessed in capstone clinical settings? Coursework: Is the content and meaning of the component statement clearly reflected in course objectives? What activities and assignments provide opportunities for learning? How is learning related to the component statement assessed during coursework? DOTTIE – GUIDING QUESTIONS TO CONSIDER
Guiding questions for program revision Field Experiences: Is the content and meaning of the component statement clearly reflected in assignments for field experience activities? How will field experiences provide opportunities for candidates to practice applying component knowledge and skills across the full grade range? How is application of knowledge and skills related to the component assessed during field experiences? How is feedback provided to the candidate? Dual programs how will you ensure that candidates are in both the role of IS and gen ed throughout the program and during student teaching? Capstone Clinical Experience (Student Teaching/Internship) DOTTIE – GUIDING QUESTIONS TO CONSIDER
Table Tasks Identify a Spokesperson and Recorder Review the Annotated Standards and the CEC/CAEP Crosswalk Using the Planning Chart, brainstorm what courses, assignments, clinical experiences and assessments currently exist or could be developed to meet the standards Record your bright ideas Record your conundrums Share with the larger group DOTTIE – INSTRUCTIONS FOR GROUP WORK