Paris & DALLAS DISTRICT corridor PROJECTs update Northeast Texas Rural Transportation Summit November 1, 2018
I-635 LBJ East Project Limits: I-635 from US 75 to I-30 Description: Improve mobility, operations, and safety by reconstructing and widening 8 to 10 general purpose lanes, reconstructing the existing “grandfathered” tolled managed lanes, adding noise walls, and constructing continuous frontage roads Est. Design-Build Cost $1,603,645,627 Approved Funding (FY 2019 UTP) LBJ East Project includes full reconstruction of I-635 from US 75 to I-30. Will reconstruct and widen the general purpose lanes from 8 to 10 lanes. Will reconstruct the I-635/I-30 interchange. Will reconstruct the discontinuous frontage roads to continuous frontage roads. Will construct noise walls. Estimate design-build project cost is $1.6 billion. The project is fully funded. ROW Status: 120 total parcels 97 are in possession All parcels are anticipated to be acquired by late Summer 2019 RR Exhibits: Preliminary coordination with all affected railroads has begun. TxDOT will coordinate a preliminary Exhibit A for coordination and agreement purposes. The Design-Build team can use that Exhibit A or modify as necessary to move forward. Utilities: In advance of the Design-Build contractor, TxDOT is coordinating with the relocation of transmission lines in the project limits. We are planning to begin relocations by the end of the year and to have the transmission lines clear by Summer 2019. Will reconstruct the existing “grandfathered” tolled managed lanes along I-635. The proposed project is constructing 1 concurrent managed lane in each direction, striped with a wide shoulder. The pavement will be constructed to accommodate the future ultimate 2 concurrent managed lanes in each direction. There will not be additional ROW acquisition or utility relocations required for that ultimate condition. The pavement will exist and it will be a striping/barrier moving project. Cannot speculate as to when the commission and our regional leaders will allow the additional managed lanes.
I-635 LBJ East Project Purpose and Need Improve safety and mobility Address existing design deficiencies Relieve congestion Increased capacity Provide reliable travel time “Grandfathered” existing managed lanes Accommodate projected growth through the region The project will improve safety and mobility by reconstructing to current design standards. This means improving geometry and improving short entrance and exit ramps. The increased number of general purpose lanes will relieve congestion. The existing grandfather managed lanes will provide a reliable travel time.
I-635 LBJ East Project Existing Typical Section Proposed Design-build Note: Additional capacity shown in purple. Existing is 4 general purpose lanes in each direction and 1 tolled managed lane in each direction. Proposed is 5 general purpose lanes in each direction and 1 tolled managed lane in each direction. Purple shows added capacity.
I-635 LBJ East Project *Subject to Change LBJ East is currently in a design-build procurement Request for Qualifications was released in May. 4 teams submitted. TxDOT shortlisted to 3 teams in July. Currently working with potential DB Contractors in one-on-one meetings. Anticipate releasing the final RFP in November. Anticipate conditionally awarding the project in May with contract execution by the end of August 2019.
I-30 Frontage Roads from Bass Pro to Dalrock and Dalrock Interchange This piece of I-30 is currently in detailed design: PS&E should be complete by April 2020 Schematic is approved Environmental is Clear ROW Acquisition: Spring 2020 Utility Relocations: Spring 2021 Bass Pro Interchange Currently evaluating and working with North Central Texas Council of Governments to include with the active frontage road project. Mr. Mo Bur, our Dallas District Engineer, met with the City of Garland’s Transportation Committee and discussed the proposed ramp locations. Moving the ramps closer to Bass Pro in the WB direction introduces operational issues as well as the potential to backup traffic onto the main lanes of I-30.
I-30 Frontage Roads from Bass Pro to Dalrock and Dalrock Interchange Limits: Bass Pro Drive to Dalrock Road Length: Approximately 2.24 miles Funding Status Project Fully Funded Description of Work Frontage Road ONLY/Interchange Project Needs Reduce traffic congestion Improve mobility Enhance safety in the project area
I-30 Frontage Roads from Bass Pro to Dalrock and Dalrock Interchange Schematic Approved (March 19th, 2018) Public Hearing (May 31st, 2018) Environmentally Cleared (September 9th, 2018) PS&E Anticipated Completion (Spring 2020) ROW Acquisition Anticipated Completion (Spring 2020) Utility Relocation Anticipated Completion (Spring 2021) Ready to Let (Spring 2021) *Subject to Change August 22, 2016 – General meeting where the current ramping configuration was presented to all Stakeholders January 30, 2017 – Schematic design update and work session with City of Garland May 8, 2017 – Presentation to Garland City Council and affected property owners April 27 and May 4, 2017 – Public meeting (Rockwall and Royce City locations)
IH 30 in the Paris District IH 30 Study from Royce City to Texarkana has been released by the Commission Identifies several short, medium and long range improvements Long Range– Upgrade to a 6-lanes facility Medium Range – Improve grade separations to accommodate 6 lanes of traffic on IH 30 with a minimum clearance of 18.5’ Short Range – Make needed intersection improvements to increase safety and reduce congestion Paris District is requesting inclusion of short and some medium range projects in the 2019 UTP (Unified Transportation Plan)
IH 30 in Hunt County IH 30 @ FM 2642 in Royce City Under Construction Upgrading overpass clearance Will be able to accommodate 6 lanes April 2019 Completion
IH 30 in Hunt County PAR currently developing schematic to upgrade IH 30 to 6 lanes through Hunt County (FM 2642 to FM 513). From this schematic, PS&E will be developed to replace/construct grade separations funded at > $100M in the 2018 UTP FM 1570 FM 1903 FM 36 FM 1565 CR 2506 (New Grade Separation)
Hunt County Projects FM 2642 Currently preparing schematic to upgrade to 4-lane roadway SH 66 to FM 35 (Sept 22 Letting; Funded through NCTCOG) SH 34 Currently performing feasibility study to identify safety upgrades and congestion relief from IH 30 to Kaufman County SH 276 ROW acquisition underway for new location route south at Quinlan to current SH 34/SH 276 East intersection (Aug 20 Letting)
Hunt County Projects Hunt County Transportation Bond $24M – Passed by Voters in 2016 To date, bind funds are being used to perform feasibility studies, schematics, ROW, utility impacts to multiple corridors including: FM 1570 (IH 30 to SH 34 and realignment at IH 30) SH 24 in Commerce (roundabout vs. OP vs. no build) FM 1903/ FM 36 realignment at IH 30 SH 66 (Rockwall CL to US 69).
IH 30 in Hopkins County IH 30 Study Project Candidates SH 154 (Broadway St.) Interchange Redesign Addition of U-turn bridges to relieve congestion at the signalized intersections. Improve clearance. Unfunded project- Will request in 2019 UTP Rough Approaches – Project to begin Nov 2018 SH 19 Interchange redesign Addition of U-turn bridges and reconstruct ramps/FR’s to relieve congestion / reduce confusion Additional grade separation, ramp, accel/decel improvements Long term (after 2030), is to convert from 4 to 6 lanes with the interchange improvements made.
Hopkins County Projects SH 11 Reconstruct on partial new location from 6.2 mi east of FM 2653 to SH 19 Needed safety improvement to straighten sharp curve Project let September 2018 ; City of Sulphur Springs is finalizing utility relocation Construction cost = $5.1M SH 19 North Several safety improvements implemented, including: Posted speed limit SL reduced to 65 mph (55 mph in vicinity of FM 71) 4-way stop implemented at FM 71 intersection In-lane rumble strips with signage at major roadway intersections (FM’s 1536/71/1537) Left Turn Lanes to be installed in project letting Feb 19 Developing project to construct Super 2 from SL 301 north to SH 24 in Delta County. Unfunded project.
Rains County Projects US 69 / SH 19 Intersection Preparing feasibility study at US 69/SH 19 Intersection Roundabout vs. Grade Separation vs. Turn Lanes and other at-grade improvements Unfunded
Lamar & Red River County Projects US 82 Developing schematics to convert from 2 to 4 lane highways. Unfunded but to be included in 2019 UTP request Fannin County Line to SL 286 FM 196 to Bowie County Line US 271 Developing schematic to convert from 2 to 4 lanes highway. SL 286 to FM 196. Funded in 2023 FM 196 to Titus County Line. Unfunded but to be included in 2019 UTP request Strong local support for both roadways communicated to TxDOT
Lamar & Red River County Projects Loop 286 in Paris With the expectation of widening US 82 and US 271 to 4 lanes, Loop 286 in Paris will be unique in rural NE Texas as it will have five 4-lane facilities as major points of entry/exit Currently developing feasibility study to increase safety and reduce congestion on Loop 286 Study will prioritize short, middle and long range improvements to handle current concerns as well as mitigate projected traffic volumes
Dan Perry, P.E 903.737.9375 Paris District Director of Transportation Planning and Development 903.737.9375