And stick it on the board WALT: Explain different types of love The meaning of commitments and responsibilities in a relationship What is love? On the post it notes write down an example of love, or something you might love… And stick it on the board Walking your dog everyday Kissing Buying someone a present Getting married In pairs or threes put peoples perceptions into categories i.e- loving an object/ an animal etc... Success criteria: To achieve a C grade: You need to be able to recognise and explain key words To achieve a B grade: You need to be able to explain the features of a Islamic funeral To achieve an A grade: You need to be able to explain how a Muslim funeral shows Islamic beliefs
In your books write down the title and complete this sentence WALT: Explain different types of love The meaning of commitments and responsibilities in a relationship What is love? In your books write down the title and complete this sentence I think Love is… Success criteria: To achieve a C grade: You need to be able to recognise and explain key words To achieve a B grade: You need to be able to explain the different types of love To achieve an A grade: You need to be able to explain how love involves commitments and responsibilities
Types of love There are four different types of love. EROS Give an example for each type of love WALT: Explain different types of love The meaning of commitments and responsibilities in a relationship Copy down these in your book Types of love There are four different types of love. EROS Sexual love, physical love AGAPE Unconditional love PHILIA Love of friends and family, a strong bond between people STORGE Affection for things and animals, sentimental love Success criteria: To achieve a C grade: You need to be able to recognise and explain key words To achieve a B grade: You need to be able to explain the different types of love To achieve an A grade: You need to be able to explain how love involves commitments and responsibilities
Different types of love WALT: Explain different types of love The meaning of commitments and responsibilities in a relationship Different types of love Create a tally chart of the four different types of love in your books Eros Agape Storge Philia Watch the film clip- how many different types of love do you see? 1)The first time just watch the film clip 2)The second time look out for the different types of love 3)Finally make a tally of the types of love you see Success criteria: To achieve a C grade: You need to be able to recognise and explain key words To achieve a B grade: You need to be able to explain the different types of love To achieve an A grade: You need to be able to explain how love involves commitments and responsibilities
Responsibilities Commitments WALT: Explain different types of love The meaning of commitments and responsibilities in a relationship What does love involve? Loving someone or something involves both commitments and responsibilities It is important that we know what these words mean and how they are different for different relationships In your book explain what the key word Responsibility means What do you think your responsibilities are to: Your parents Your friends Your neighbours Your teachers Responsibilities Something you do because you think you should What you are expected to do Commitments In your book explain what the key word Commitment means List any commitments you have and who you make them to e.g.- football practice- your team Being married- your partner Making and keeping a promise Being devoted towards someone or something Success criteria: To achieve a C grade: You need to be able to recognise and explain key words To achieve a B grade: You need to be able to explain the different types of love To achieve an A grade: You need to be able to explain how love involves commitments and responsibilities
Exam practice A very common exam question for this section is: WALT: Explain different types of love The meaning of commitments and responsibilities in a relationship Exam practice A very common exam question for this section is: Explain the meaning of commitment when used about a relationship (2) Write out the question and answer it Exam tip- When giving an answer that asks for a definition, be precise in what you say. Loads of people don’t get full marks because they repeat the question or words in their answer. Be brief but precise Success criteria: To achieve a C grade: You need to be able to recognise and explain key words To achieve a B grade: You need to be able to explain the different types of love To achieve an A grade: You need to be able to explain how love involves commitments and responsibilities
Religious believer What commitments do religious people have? WALT: Explain different types of love The meaning of commitments and responsibilities in a relationship What commitments do religious people have? In your book create a mind map showing the commitments a religious believer has and how they show they are committed A Muslim prays 5 times a day Religious believer Goes to Church Success criteria: To achieve a C grade: You need to be able to recognise and explain key words To achieve a B grade: You need to be able to explain the different types of love To achieve an A grade: You need to be able to explain how love involves commitments and responsibilities
Love is… In groups of 3 / 4 play the love is card game WALT: Explain different types of love The meaning of commitments and responsibilities in a relationship Love is… In groups of 3 / 4 play the love is card game Once you have your 5 definitions Draw a love heart in your book and write them down Success criteria: To achieve a C grade: You need to be able to recognise and explain key words To achieve a B grade: You need to be able to explain the different types of love To achieve an A grade: You need to be able to explain how love involves commitments and responsibilities
WALT: Explain different types of love WALT: Explain different types of love The meaning of commitments and responsibilities in a relationship Recap Draw around your hand in your book and on each finger write a fact from today's lesson A commitment is keeping a promise A responsibility is what you’re expected to do Success criteria: To achieve a C grade: You need to be able to recognise and explain key words To achieve a B grade: You need to be able to explain the different types of love To achieve an A grade: You need to be able to explain how love involves commitments and responsibilities