Kia Ngana Strive.


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Presentation transcript:

Kia Ngana Strive

S STIMULATE / WHAKAHIHIRI TE HINENGARO Kia uru ki te kaupapa, kohia nga whakaaro e pa ana ki te tino kaupapa hei parekareka. Spend time going through the major topic – Just immerse in main topic looking at everything possible. Have Fun S

Me pakupaku haere to korero hei tutuki te putake o te patai TAKE AIM / KIA RITE Me pakupaku haere to korero hei tutuki te putake o te patai Make more of a focus towards a specific Question. T

R RESEARCH/ RANGAHAU(TIA) Me timata ki te rangahau to tino patai. Kimihia ki te wharepuka, waea, ipurangi, tuhia reta, tukua waea whakaahua, uiuitia nga tohunga o te kaupapa Begin to research regarding your focus question. Search all possible sources. Libraries, internet, phone and email, write letters, send faxes, interview professionals or people you know.

I Whakarapopoto o rangahau. Kua tutuki pai o patai? INTENTION / HIAHIA Ka puta mai etahi atu patai? Narrow down your findings. Does the Information answer your focus question? Has it opened up more questions? Could your question be answered?

V VISUAL / WHAKAATURANGA Me pehea kia whakaatu o rangahau? He aha nga taputapu pai ake hei whakaatu kaha rawa? He whakaputanga oranga no o rangahau mo te iwi? How will you present your finding? What media will best suit your work and be best suited to express your ideas? Will your ideas, opinions, findings and Information be portrayed the way you How do you include your intended actions wish? through your presentation?

E Aro matawai te tikanga o to mahi rangahau. EVALUATE / ARO MATAWAI He aha nga painga? He aha nga mea kia tutuki tonu? Kua tutuki te whakautu? He rawe to whakaaturanga? Kua marama pai te hunga whakarongo? He aha nga painga ki te iwi? Self Reflect and evaluate your inquiry process. What worked well for you? What could you improve on For next time? Did your focus question get answered? Was your media the appropriate one for your work to What did people enjoy from your findings? Be presented?