Second John Lesson 3 Love Limits: Loving in Truth and Loyalty to Truth Antioch Christian Fellowship Spring 2012 Rev. Christopher J. Respass
Love Limits: Loving in Truth & Loyalty to Truth (2 John 5-8) I. Loving in Truth (v. 5) A. Commandment: Love One Another (v.5). 1. Jesus taught his disciples to love one another a) John 13:34-35 b) John 15:12 2. By walking in accord with what Jesus taught, you will love and live rightly.
Love Limits: Loving in Truth & Loyalty to Truth (2 John 5-8) Questions 1.How would you describe the ways Jesus loved his disciples? 2.How should we express our love toward one another? 3.What types of behaviors are incompatible with the commandment to love one another?
Love Limits: Loving in Truth & Loyalty to Truth (2 John 5-8) II.Loyalty to Truth (v.6) A. Being a Christian means being loyal to the truth. B. Believers must stay loyal to sound teaching and not be tossed by every new thought, philosophy and perspective that comes along (see, Eph. 4:14).
Love Limits: Loving in Truth & Loyalty to Truth (2 John 5-8) C. Problem with being loyal to the truth is the: Cycle of Degradation
Love Limits: Loving in Truth & Loyalty to Truth (2 John 5-8) Problem: Cycle of Degradation Step 5 Downward Spiral Step 4 Faulty Assumptions Step 3 Lowered Expectations Step 2 Low View of Discipleship Step 1 Training
Love Limits: Loving in Truth & Loyalty to Truth (2 John 5-8) Step 1 (Training) Church offers robust, content-rich, but involved training to disciple and grow believers.
Love Limits: Loving in Truth & Loyalty to Truth (2 John 5-8) Step 2 (Low View of Discipleship) Believers dont view discipleship training as important and (a) dont come, (b) never get sound teaching, and (c) wrongly assume that Sunday worship will be enough to educate them about Christian living.
Love Limits: Loving in Truth & Loyalty to Truth (2 John 5-8) Step 3 (Lowered Expectations) Churches water-down programs and expectations assuming that time and bare essentials are the root cause to the lack of participation and poor attendance. Consequently, they teach a few people with fast food doctrine.
Love Limits: Loving in Truth & Loyalty to Truth (2 John 5-8) Step 4 (Faulty Assumptions) People are less certain about what they believe and long for more, yet they dont avail themselves for teaching. Then they a) Assume the ministry is inadequate. b) Become susceptible to false doctrine. c) Have nothing to remain loyal to.
Love Limits: Loving in Truth & Loyalty to Truth (2 John 5-8) Step 5 (Downward Spiral) Cycle continues spiral downward until all that can be said is I believe in Jesus, but have no scriptural or doctrinal basis for that understanding. Further, they have no insight as to how that belief is to be lived practically.
Love Limits: Loving in Truth & Loyalty to Truth (2 John 5-8) D. We should live and love by the scriptures because they are His commandments and we know that Jesus is the god-man who has come in the flesh.
Love Limits: Loving in Truth & Loyalty to Truth (2 John 5-8) III. Lurking Dangers for Loyalty A. Heretical Deceivers. 1. Contextually: Those who deny that Jesus came in the flesh (a/k/a Docetism). 2. For us: Those who deny the biblical revelation about Jesus.
Love Limits: Loving in Truth & Loyalty to Truth (2 John 5-8) B. Loss of Gods Full Reward. 1. The life and work you do in Christ will be tested by the fire of Judgment (see, 1 Cor. 3:10-15). 2. Not everything you do for Christ will last or be counted worthy of his reward (see, Matt. 7:21-23).
Love Limits: Loving in Truth & Loyalty to Truth (2 John 5-8) Questions 1.Is it easier to love in truth or beloyal to truth?