Database Management Systems Introduction to Database Management Systems ITS232 Siti Nurbaya Ismail Senior Lecturer Faculty of Computer & Mathematical Sciences Universiti Teknologi MARA Kedah (e): sitinurbaya{at}kedah{dot}uitm {dot}edu{dot}my (u):
<course_information.what?> Code: ITS232 Course: Introduction to Database Management Systems Contact Hour: 4 Course Status: Non Core Credit Unit: 3 Prerequisites: None
<course_description.what?> In the information age today, enormous amount of data is kept in files and databases. The knowledge to manipulate and manage these files is beyond doubt. By using a database package, the students will be able to appreciate the needs for database systems rather than the traditional file systems. Database describe database approach ERD design Entity-Relationship Model Normalization demonstrate normalizing relations until 3NF SQL Write DDL & DML construct queries in SQL
<course_learning_outcome.what?> Describe database approach Illustrate Entity-Relationship Model Demonstrate normalizing relations until 3NF Construct queries in Structured Query Language (SQL)
<syllabus_contents.what?> Chapter 1: Database Concepts Chapter 2: Data Models Chapter 3: The Relational Database Model Chapter 4: Entity Relationship (E-R) Modelling Chapter 5: Normalization of Database Tables Chapter 6: Database Design Chapter 7: Structured Query Language
<> Final Exam: 50% Continuous Assessment: Tests: Assignment: Project:
<references.what?> Text Book Carlos Coronel, Steven Morris and Peter Rob, Database Systems: Design, Implementation and Management, International Thomson Publishing (ITP), 10 Edition, 2013.
<references.what?> David M.Kroenke and David J. Auer, Database Concepts, 7, Pearson International Edition, 2014 Connolly, T. and Begg, C., Database Systems: A Practical Approach to Design, Implementation, and Management, 6, 2014, ISBN: 0132943263 Mark L. Gillenson, Fundamentals of Database Management Systems, 2, 2011, ISBN: 0470624701 Saadiah, Fauzi, Norehan, Wan Nor Amalina, Introduction to Database,, , Mc Graw Hill Higher Education, 2006
<lab_session.what?> [1] Getting Started with IBM DB2: Installation and Using a Database [2] Lab Objectives & Introduction [3] Simple SQL Queries [4] Retrieving data from Multiple Tables [5] Scalar Functions and Arithmetic [6] Column Functions and Grouping [7] UNION [8] Using Subqueries [9] Maintaining Data [10] Project Demonstration
<compulsory_software.what?> IBM DB2 – dbms MS Project – project planning MS Visio – database logical design MS Visio/Lucidchart/draw.wo – flow chart
<key_terms.what?> Data Information Database Database Management System (DBMS) Table/Entity/Relation Attribute/Field/Column Row/Record/Tuple Relationship Cardinality Schema Data vs. Information Example of DBMS What is RDBMS? What is an ERD? What kind of notations can be used in ERD? Data redundancy