Todays objective is to identify one behavior or attitude to change that would help you to be more caring (loving) person. Todays objective is to identify one behavior or attitude to change that would help you to be more caring (loving) person.
The song Where Is the Love? is a reflection on the lack of humanity evident in everyday interactions between people. The Black Eyed Peas ask Where is the love? because they are truly searching for evidence of humanity in a world where they have found hatred, selfishness and wrong decisions. In the end they focus on the fact that we have only one world, a world we must share…and we could do so more easily if there were more love.
Click anywhere in the black to play the video.
Reflection Question #1: Reflection Question #1: The song Where is the Love? summarizes the choice many people make to focus on hatred and negativity and points out that instead of spreading love we [are] spreading animosity [hatred]. What evidence of this do you see in your community? In yourself? Do you agree with this position? What evidence of this do you see in your community? In your friends? In yourself? How does a hateful nature keep us from happiness?
Reflection Question #2: What is one change you could make that would make you more loving? What thoughts must you change? What actions? What is one change you could make that would make you more loving? What thoughts must you change? What actions? How could such a change in you help change others? How could such a change in you help change others?
Quick-Write Directions: 1. Respond in writing to both reflection questions. Write nonstop without concern for writing conventions. The writing is a thinking tool and the time is strictly for thinking. (4 minutes) 2. Read over your reflections. Underline your most interesting ideasthose that you want to share with a partner.
1. Locate your partner. Number yourselves #1 and #2--#2s speak first. 2. Demonstrate respect by listening actively and being courteous (four Ls plus thanks): *Look: face partner, make eye contact *Lean: lean forward and nod as appropriate. *Listen: demonstrate listening by repeating (some of), summarizing or commenting on what your partner said before you speak. *Low Voice: use a partner voiceloud enough for your partner but not others, to hear. *Thanks: Thank your partner for sharing his/her ideas. Be prepared to share either your own or your partners idea.
Closing Thought: Each of us can choose to be a more positive about how we treat ourselves and others. We care choose to care. Closing Response: Thumbs up (agree) or down (disagree) Thumbs up if you agree that caring is a choice. Thumbs up if you agree that caring is a choice. Thumbs up if you agree that being a more caring person would improve your world. Thumbs up if you agree that being a more caring person would improve your world. Thumbs up if you are willing to work at being more caring toward others by making one change in your attitude and/or behavior. Thumbs up if you are willing to work at being more caring toward others by making one change in your attitude and/or behavior.