Sarah Short
They are con merchants They are liars They trick you into buying things They force you to buy things you dont want to buy They are only in it for the money
Business Development Manager Consultant Associate Territory Manager Account Executive Or, my favourite: Wait for it…….. Customer Solution Specialist!
Provide products/services that fulfil a need (which may or may not be known to the customer) Provide products/services that solve a problem Provide products/services that make people feel good Help with a decision making process
My time/ability as a project manager My time/ability as a sales person My time/ability as a business coach My time/ability as a trainer
Project management buyers buy organisation, clarity, peace of mind Sales buyers buy an increase in their product sales People who buy my business coaching buy their own success in reaching their business goals You are buying knowledge. In this case, of how to sell your own products/services
How do you know?
Now for the HOW!
Resist the urge to launch into your sales pitch Listen to your customer, with your eyes and ears Ask open questions What Where Why When How
Match benefits (not features) to customer needs Love your product Stay up to date with your industry/field Watch for buying signals ASK FOR THE SALE!!
Pride Sloth Gluttony Lust Anger Greed Envy
Selling is an art, which takes practice to perfect We are lucky to have our own things to sell Sales people are people people Remember – people buy people How can you NOT love selling?