Collimation Optimisation Frank Jackson, ILC BDS meeting, SLAC Jan 10, 2006
Collimation Performance BDS (20,15,2mrad) decks all rely on post-NLC ‘survivable spoiler’ optics Collimation phase advances and lattice bandwidth not been optimised yet Good simulated performance relies on tight energy spoiler settings, combined with more aggressive absorber apertures
NLC FD Bandwidth Exact phases and well behaved beta functions at FD
ILC 20 mrad lattice Non-exact phase advances (esp in vertical) x =2.76 y =2.34 Non-exact phase advances (esp in vertical) Poorer bandwidth
ILC-FF9 Collimation Optimisation x =2.75 y =2.75 Restore phase advances with matching section Bandwidth worsens Not only exact phase solution
Optimisation Strategy Tricky balance of phase and bandwidth variation Goal is to search the space of solutions for optimum Complement with spoiler/absorber aperture variation, tracking simulations
ILC-FF9 x =2.99 y =2.99
ILC-FF9 x =2.51 y =2.51