The Other Writers Besides Shakespeare The Renaissance The Other Writers Besides Shakespeare
Objectives: SWBAT Identify the parts of a sonnet Identify paradox Identify epigram Write a sonnet and a Carpe Diem poem
Renaissance Time of rebirth-renewed interest in classical learning Humanism combines classical learning and Christianity to explain questions of philosophy The printing press makes education more accessible
Reformation Henry VII had created Anglican Church Elizabeth I made it official church Martin Luther caused break with the Catholic Church
Rulers of the Age Henry VII 1509-1547 Edward 1547-1553 Mary 1553-1558 Elizabeth 1558-1603 Spanish Armada Flood of literature Exploration James I
Carpe Diem Poets Christopher Marlowe 1564-1593 Sir Walter Raleigh 1552-1618 Robert Herrick 1591-1674 Andrew Marvell 1621-1678
John Donne (dun) 1572-1631 Wanted to associate with court, but was a Roman Catholic Wealthy-did not have to worry about work until….. Married a 17 year old (minor) Her father had him arrested
Donne’s Shortest Poem John Donne, Anne Donne, Undone.
And then….. Donne didn’t stay in prison long, but did lose his job He and his wife and their 12 children (5 died as babies) lived off the goodness of friends Wrote against the Catholic church and for the Anglican until James I convinced John to become an Anglican priest.
John Donne became a clergyman and died, having won great honor in England.
Metaphysical Poetry Seventeenth century style Obscure imagery Philosophical & religious speculation Witty word play
Paradox A seeming contradiction that is actually true
Ben Jonson c. 1572-1637 Military man, playwright, actor Twice escaped the death penalty Unlike Donne and Shxp-he was eager to be noticed for his writings
Epigram A brief, clever, memorable short poem
John Milton 1608-1674 Well educated and trained to be a writer Served with Cromwell translating all correspondence from foreign countries Eyesight failed him; by 44 he was totally blind
And yet…. When Charles II was crowned, Milton went into seclusion with his wife and daughters who wrote what he dictated and read it back to him so that he could continue his work
Paradise Lost Used Biblical stories to plan his great epic Satan is the chief protagonist 10, 565 lines based on a few Bible verse, mostly from Genesis Uses epic conventions Adam and Eve represent all of us