The 3 Ls of Liberty: Law, License, & Love The idea of freedom, or liberty, is very dear to people of this country- indeed to people throughout the world.


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Presentation transcript:

The 3 Ls of Liberty: Law, License, & Love The idea of freedom, or liberty, is very dear to people of this country- indeed to people throughout the world. It is considered one of the inalienable rights of the brotherhood of mankind: life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. But this hasnt always been understood to be so for everyone- it had to be fought for, and won; it had to be earned with the blood of those willing to die to attain it for themselves, and for others. Obviously, there are some comparisons between political and spiritual liberty, but were not here for a civics lesson. So lets spend a few minutes seeking to better understand, and perhaps appreciate and utilize the liberty which we have in Christ Jesus, Gal.2:4.

3 Ls of Liberty: Law, License, & Love Although there is a sense in which liberty is a freedom from law, cf. Rom.4:15; the two are actually linked: Through the Law (of Moses) came knowledge of sin, Rom.3:20; 7:7. As such, the Law only produced guilty violators, Rom.7:8-11. But it was through the Law that the utter sinfulness of sin became apparent, Rom.7: Therefore the thirst for liberty was first brought to the lips of mankind by the Law, Rom.7:14-24!

3 Ls of Liberty: Law, License, & Love But real liberty was not so much from law itself (because it was replaced with another law, cf. Rom.8:2), but it was instead freedom from the guilt/consequence of violation of the Law, Rom.8:1. There should be no doubt that the Law of Moses was removed, cf. Rom.8:3; Acts 13:38-39; Heb.8:13; Col.2:14; But it should also be clearly understood that it was replaced with another very real law of the Spirit of life, Rom.8:2-7. It too has regulations and requirements, Rom.8:9-14. The difference is- and this is a major difference, the law of the Spirit will produce eternal life rather than only condemnation, Rom.8:15-17! And that my friends, is true liberty through law…the perfect law of liberty, Jas.1:25!

3 Ls of Liberty: Law, License, & Love Gal.2:4 makes it abundantly clear that there is liberty in Christ Jesus. But this freedom from the rightful and just consequences of sin cannot be used as a license to sin, Gal.5:1. The specifics of Gal.5:1-4 concerned using this freedom to return to a Law system which contained no grace, and therefore only condemned. But neither can this freedom be used as a license to commit sin, 1Pet.2:13-15 > 16; Rom.5:20-21 > 6:1ff. Beloved, if our heart condemns us in this matter, God is greater than our hearts, 1John 3:19-24!

3 Ls of Liberty: Law, License, & Love There is, however, another aspect of liberty and the license it does provide- that of living by my conscience instead of yours, and vice versa, in matters of personal judgment, Rom.14:1-12. However, that license does come a restriction- the love restriction. I cannot utilize my license of liberty in a way that is ambivalent to the love of your soul and its spiritual well-being, Rom.14:13-23; 1Cor.10: This is point was also made to the Galatians with regard to their license of liberty, cf. Gal.5:1 >

3 Ls of Liberty: Law, License, & Love Our liberty in Christ is, therefore, inseparably linked to: Obedience to Christs Law- the perfect law of liberty; The license to live by my own conscience rather than yours in matters of personal judgment; but it is neither a license to sin, nor a license to influence you to sin. Therefore, liberty must always be maintained in love for Christ, His Law, my soul, and your soul.