District Budgeting
Discussion Points Expectations from Exchange Leaders Sources of Funds Uses of Funds Budgeting For: New Club Building Educational Events Officer Training Convention Being a leader involves commitment in attending the district and national conventions and other expectations. Many Districts pay partial or all of the cost to send leaders to events. Or some at least contribute toward a type of partial reimbursement. To help future leaders accept these expectations we have to provide as much assistance both personal and financial as we can. This is why it is important to set up a budget for your leaders to attend convention and other leadership opportunities. Do you have a budget for leaders to attend convention? It could be full, partial or a set reimbursement toward the cost. Encourage your leaders to stay current and relevant and connected in leadership.
Sources of Funds Districts Clubs Limited to Dues Larger vs. Smaller Allocate from reserves Clubs From Club Operations Account From Club Service Activities and Projects Up to 20% can be allocated for Training and Convention Larger districts are expected to have a larger budget to work with.
Uses of Funds Prioritize for alignment with the purpose of the District. See Article 1, Section 1 of District Bylaws If you do not plan and budget for success what might happen?
New Club Building Article 1, Section 1, A - #1 Purpose of a District A. The Building of local Exchange clubs District as a Club Sponsor Provide funds to Clubs for sponsorship Travel expenses for Club Builders
Educational Events Article 1, Section 1, B – Increase Fellowship District Convention Mid Year Officer Training Getting Clubs to participate
Officer Training Article 1, Section 1, C –Strengthen Established Clubs Central Location Multiple Locations Combine with Mid Year Develop Leadership Succession Keep current and relevant with most recent information – Use the website - Such as Membership Invoicing via email EMAIL INVOICING BEGAN JANUARY 1, 2019, club and district treasurers should expect to receive all membership dues invoices via email. You may also pay all invoices electronically. Please be sure that your club and district officer contact information is correctly listed in the database. You will also want to add financial@nationalexchangeclub.org to your safe sender list.
Convention District and National How to increase attendance Getting all Club Presidents to attend
Summarize Next Steps