Communicating and Adapting Language task
Band 3 Mark 7-9 Effectively communicates information, ideas and feelings, promotes issues and points of view. Adapts talk to a variety of situations and audiences, using non-verbal features to add to impact. Uses a range of well-judged vocabulary and sentence structures to achieve different purposes, including competent and appropriate use of standard English. Band 4 Mark 10-12 Confidently convey and interpret information, ideas and feelings, emphasising significant points and issues. Adapts and shapes talk and non-verbal features to meet the demands of different situations, contexts and purposes. Makes appropriate, controlled, effective use of standard English vocabulary and grammar. Band 5 Mark 13-16 Highlight priorities and essential detail when communicating complex and demanding subject matter. Uses a sophisticated repertoire of strategies to meet challenging contexts and purposes Shows an assured choice and flexible use of standard English vocabulary and grammar in appropriate situations.
Presentation Content Basic requirements Title Page Question / topic / introductions / how and why. Setting and characters / research done. Plot summary Extracts Analysis of extracts / own work as a whole. Conclusion Evaluation.